Administrative Staff College of India



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ASCI Fee Structure

The following table holds details of the ASCI fee structure:

Degree at ASCI ASCI Fees
ASCI PGDM ₹8 lakh
ASCI PGDHM ₹6 lakh


Wards of Armed Forces Personnel are eligible for a 5% tuition fee reduction at ASCI, Hyderabad.


If your financial condition is limiting your chances of obtaining a good education, contact Propelld. They may be able to cover your tuition and other related expenses. Propelld also offers no-cosigner and collateral-free loans.

303 - ASCI Hyderabad Fees

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ASCI Fee Structure

The following table holds details of the ASCI fee structure:

Degree at ASCI ASCI Fees
ASCI PGDM ₹8 lakh
ASCI PGDHM ₹6 lakh


Wards of Armed Forces Personnel are eligible for a 5% tuition fee reduction at ASCI, Hyderabad.


If your financial condition is limiting your chances of obtaining a good education, contact Propelld. They may be able to cover your tuition and other related expenses. Propelld also offers no-cosigner and collateral-free loans.

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