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Genesis Business



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Genesis Business School Fee Structure

Course Fee (Annual)
MBA in Finance ₹74,500
MBA in Human Resources ₹74,500
MBA in Marketing ₹74,500
MBA+ GEP + MDP (Major: Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Operations and Supply Chain, Business Analytics; Minor: Rural and Agribusiness Management, Pharma and Healthcare Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management) ₹3,05,000
MBA+GEP (Major: Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Operations and Supply Chain, Business Analytics; Minor: Rural and Agribusiness Management, Pharma and Healthcare Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management) ₹2,37,500
Global Business Learning Programme (GBLP) ₹3,25,000

NOTE: Candidates must submit ₹50,000/- to confirm their provisional admission

As per their programme, i.e., MBA + GEP or MBA + MDP, students have to submit their fees. Here’s the schedule as per Genesis Business School’s fee structure:

  • 1st instalment | on commencement of semester 1
  • 2nd instalment | on commencement of semester 2
  • 3rd instalment | on commencement of semester 3

Scholarship Programmes Available at Genesis Business School, Pune

Genesis Business School provides merit-based scholarships to students. The scholarship amount is decided by the college, and the amount varies from semester to semester.

The criteria for awarding merit-based scholarships are:

1. Academic results (percentage of marks obtained in each subject)

2. The overall percentage of marks obtained by a student

3. Meritorious achievements and extra-curricular activities

Loan Options for Genesis Business School, Pune students

As a student, it's important to know what your options are when it comes to financing your education. If you're taking admission at Genesis Business School, Pune, you can take loans from authorised banks. Aside from this, you can choose from other banks too to secure a loan to fund your education. 

208 - Genesis Business Pune Fees

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Genesis Business School Fee Structure

Course Fee (Annual)
MBA in Finance ₹74,500
MBA in Human Resources ₹74,500
MBA in Marketing ₹74,500
MBA+ GEP + MDP (Major: Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Operations and Supply Chain, Business Analytics; Minor: Rural and Agribusiness Management, Pharma and Healthcare Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management) ₹3,05,000
MBA+GEP (Major: Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Operations and Supply Chain, Business Analytics; Minor: Rural and Agribusiness Management, Pharma and Healthcare Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management) ₹2,37,500
Global Business Learning Programme (GBLP) ₹3,25,000

NOTE: Candidates must submit ₹50,000/- to confirm their provisional admission

As per their programme, i.e., MBA + GEP or MBA + MDP, students have to submit their fees. Here’s the schedule as per Genesis Business School’s fee structure:

  • 1st instalment | on commencement of semester 1
  • 2nd instalment | on commencement of semester 2
  • 3rd instalment | on commencement of semester 3

Scholarship Programmes Available at Genesis Business School, Pune

Genesis Business School provides merit-based scholarships to students. The scholarship amount is decided by the college, and the amount varies from semester to semester.

The criteria for awarding merit-based scholarships are:

1. Academic results (percentage of marks obtained in each subject)

2. The overall percentage of marks obtained by a student

3. Meritorious achievements and extra-curricular activities

Loan Options for Genesis Business School, Pune students

As a student, it's important to know what your options are when it comes to financing your education. If you're taking admission at Genesis Business School, Pune, you can take loans from authorised banks. Aside from this, you can choose from other banks too to secure a loan to fund your education. 


Genesis Business School, Pune is one of the top business schools in India. Financing a degree in MBA is getting tougher by the day, and for many, taking a loan to cover the costs of tuition is a necessity. Reputed companies like Propelld provide student-friendly, co-signer  loans that cover tuition fees and other associated costs.

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