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Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Summary

Justice K.S. Hegde Institute of Management (established by the Nitte Education Trust in 1988) is situated in Bangalore. The institution offers a two-year, full-time MBA program that is both affiliated with and approved by AICTE. Additionally, JKSHIM has launched a family-managed business program at the K. Ullas Kamath Centre for Family Managed Business, located on its campus. This center aims to collaborate with micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to equip them with essential tools for business upliftment. However, the effectiveness of such initiatives often depends on the active participation of the businesses involved.

Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Highlights

Particulars Details
Establishment Year 1998
University Type Private
Chairperson of the University K Sankaran
Approval AICTE + NBA
Institutes Under NITTE Education Trust 29
Total number of Companies visited in 2014 38
Total Placements in 2014 72
Maximum Salary Package 5.5 Lakhs
Total Faculty Members 21

About Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Summary

The Justice KS Hegde Institute of Management (JKSHIM), located in Udupi, was founded in 1998 as the Department of Business Administration at NMAMIT. This institution has received approval from the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE); however, it has also achieved accreditation from both the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programmes (ACBSP) and the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Although JKSHIM is relatively young, it has made significant strides in establishing its credibility and reputation in the field of management education. Because of these accomplishments, many students seek to enroll in its programs.

Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Summary Faculty

Name Designation Department
Dr. N. K. Thingalaya Professor Management
Dr. N. S. Shetty Professor Management
Dr. G. V. Joshi Assistant Professor Economics
Dr. Sudhir Raj Assistant Professor Finance
Radhakrishna Sharma Assistant Professor Human Resource
Dr. Ashalatha K Assistant Professor Marketing
Dr. Sudhir M Assistant Professor Operations
Mr. Vishwanath Shetty Professor Strategy

Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Summary Facilites

The Justice KS Hegde Institute of Management offers a variety of facilities for its students (both academic and residential). The residential accommodations are made available through distinct hostels designated for boys and girls. Moreover, the institute boasts several auditoriums that serve a dual purpose: they are utilized to organize competitions, academic workshops and numerous other events. However, the range of facilities makes it an appealing choice for prospective students. This is particularly important because a conducive environment enhances the overall educational experience. Although some might argue that the institute could expand its offerings, the current facilities are quite sufficient.

Contact Details of Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management

  • 918258281465
  • Nitte, Karkala Taluk, Udupi - 574110 Karnataka, India

Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Info

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Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Summary

Justice K.S. Hegde Institute of Management (established by the Nitte Education Trust in 1988) is situated in Bangalore. The institution offers a two-year, full-time MBA program that is both affiliated with and approved by AICTE. Additionally, JKSHIM has launched a family-managed business program at the K. Ullas Kamath Centre for Family Managed Business, located on its campus. This center aims to collaborate with micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to equip them with essential tools for business upliftment. However, the effectiveness of such initiatives often depends on the active participation of the businesses involved.

Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Highlights

Particulars Details
Establishment Year 1998
University Type Private
Chairperson of the University K Sankaran
Approval AICTE + NBA
Institutes Under NITTE Education Trust 29
Total number of Companies visited in 2014 38
Total Placements in 2014 72
Maximum Salary Package 5.5 Lakhs
Total Faculty Members 21

About Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Summary

The Justice KS Hegde Institute of Management (JKSHIM), located in Udupi, was founded in 1998 as the Department of Business Administration at NMAMIT. This institution has received approval from the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE); however, it has also achieved accreditation from both the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programmes (ACBSP) and the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Although JKSHIM is relatively young, it has made significant strides in establishing its credibility and reputation in the field of management education. Because of these accomplishments, many students seek to enroll in its programs.

Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Summary Faculty

Name Designation Department
Dr. N. K. Thingalaya Professor Management
Dr. N. S. Shetty Professor Management
Dr. G. V. Joshi Assistant Professor Economics
Dr. Sudhir Raj Assistant Professor Finance
Radhakrishna Sharma Assistant Professor Human Resource
Dr. Ashalatha K Assistant Professor Marketing
Dr. Sudhir M Assistant Professor Operations
Mr. Vishwanath Shetty Professor Strategy

Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management Summary Facilites

The Justice KS Hegde Institute of Management offers a variety of facilities for its students (both academic and residential). The residential accommodations are made available through distinct hostels designated for boys and girls. Moreover, the institute boasts several auditoriums that serve a dual purpose: they are utilized to organize competitions, academic workshops and numerous other events. However, the range of facilities makes it an appealing choice for prospective students. This is particularly important because a conducive environment enhances the overall educational experience. Although some might argue that the institute could expand its offerings, the current facilities are quite sufficient.

Contact Details of Justice K .S Hedge Institute of Management

  • 918258281465
  • Nitte, Karkala Taluk, Udupi - 574110 Karnataka, India
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