Narayana Business School



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Narayana Business School Course and Fees

Students at Narayana Business School have access to a large selection of undergraduate and graduate courses. In order to be considered for admission to courses at Narayana Business School, applicants must meet the minimal requirements for that particular course as specified by the college. All of the courses that are offered here have fees that vary from INR 795,000 to INR 1,085,000.

Narayana Business School Fees Structure

Course Tuition Fees Eligibility
MBA/PGDM 7.95 L 10+2: 60%, Graduation: 60%, Exams: NBSAT
PGDM QF 10.8 L 10+2: 60%, Graduation: 60%, Exams: NBSAT

Narayana Business School Fees

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Narayana Business School Course and Fees

Students at Narayana Business School have access to a large selection of undergraduate and graduate courses. In order to be considered for admission to courses at Narayana Business School, applicants must meet the minimal requirements for that particular course as specified by the college. All of the courses that are offered here have fees that vary from INR 795,000 to INR 1,085,000.

Narayana Business School Fees Structure

Course Tuition Fees Eligibility
MBA/PGDM 7.95 L 10+2: 60%, Graduation: 60%, Exams: NBSAT
PGDM QF 10.8 L 10+2: 60%, Graduation: 60%, Exams: NBSAT
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