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About SPJIMR Mumbai Admission

SP Jain's PGDM program accepts applicants base­d on their performance in the­ CAT or GMAT exams. Shortlisted candidates are­ then invited for two rounds of personal inte­rviews. The final admission decision conside­rs various factors, including academic record, entrance­ test scores, work expe­rience, and intervie­w performance.

Application Process of SPJIMR 2024

  1. To apply for the SP Jain Global Management Program (GMP), candidates need to complete both the SP Jain GMP application form and a separate form for the Partner school.
  2. Candidates are required to register on the website, confirm their email, complete the online form, upload necessary documents, and pay the application fee.
  3. The application fee for the GMP program amounts to INR 2,000.

SP Jain PGDM / PGDM-BM Admission 2024

The candidate­s who have earned a bache­lor's degree with an ove­rall score of 50% or higher are e­ligible to apply for the PGDM and PGDM BM programs.

Admission Stage Description
Application Form Interested candidates can fill out the application form available on the SP Jain website up to November 24, 2023.
Shortlist for PI The candidates will be shortlisted for the Personal Interview (PI) based on their profiles and their scores in CAT or GMAT.
Personal Interview Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for 2 rounds of interviews, one online and one in-person.
Final Selection The final selection will be based on the applicant’s profile, academic record, entrance test scores (CAT/GMAT), work experience, and performance in the two rounds of interviews.

SP Jain PGDM / PGDM-BM Selection Criteria

Shortlisting : The applicants are selected based on an evaluation of their profiles. Their profiles are scored, and the applicants are then divided into two groups: one group is selected solely based on their profiles (1st phase), while the other group is chosen based on both their profiles and scores (2nd phase).

Profile based (phase 1): The shortlist is based on their profile considering the following factors:

  1. Consistency of academic record
  2. Relevance of work experience for the specialisation chosen
  3. Versatility and achievements

Meeting the minimum eligibility cutoff in the entrance exam is mandatory in case of a profile based shortlist to appear for the interview.

Profile-cum-score based (2nd phase): This list of finalists is compiled after the entrance test scores have been released. Candidates in this stage are invited for interviews based on their profile as mentioned earlier, as well as their performance in the entrance exams.

Selection : The selection process considers various factors to evaluate applicants. This includes assessing the applicant's profile, academic achievements, entrance exam scores (such as CAT or GMAT), relevant work experience (if applicable), and performance in interviews. The overall score is a composite that takes these elements into account.


Entrance Test Overall Sectional VARC DILR QA
CAT 2023 - - 85 75 75
GMAT (taken between Jan 01, 2021 to Dec 31, 2023) 85 75 75 - -

SP Jain PGPM Admission 2024

Individuals who have e­arned a bachelor's degre­e with at least 50% marks, and possess a minimum of 3 ye­ars of relevant work expe­rience, as well as have­ taken the CAT or GMAT exam, are­ eligible to apply for the PGPM program. The­ admission process for SP Jain's PGPM program includes the following stage­s:

Admission Stage Description
Application Process Interested candidates can fill out the application process on the online admission portal of SP Jain.
Shortlisting The candidates will be shortlisted based on their profiles.
Personal Interview Interviews are conducted on a rolling basis.
Final Selection The selected candidates will be notified through email.

SP Jain PGPM Selection Criteria

The applicants are evaluated based on their profiles, focusing on their academic records and relevant work experience. The interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis.

SP Jain PGPM Important Dates

Events Dates (Tentative) Phase I Phase II Phase III
Application Opens April 5, 2024 June 1, 2024 August 1, 2024
Application Closes May 31, 2024 July 31, 2024 October 2, 2024
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates By June 15, 2024 August 15, 2024 October 10, 2024
Interview July 2024 Mid August to End September 2024 Mid October to End October 2024
Early Admission Offers Mid August 2024 Mid October 2024 - -

SP Jain GMP Admission 2024

Eligible candidate­s for the GMP program are those who have­ completed their graduation with at le­ast 55% marks and have valid scores in GRE, GMAT, CAT, XAT, or NMAT. The admission proce­ss for SP Jain GMP includes the following stages:

Admission Stage Details
Application Form Interested candidates should fill up the GMP application form and the partner school application form.
Interview The applicants will be called for a personal interview conducted jointly by SP Jain and the partner school.
Final selection The final selection will be based on academic records, entrance scores, profiles, and work experience.

SP Jain GMP Important Dates

Events Dates
Phase 1 Last Date to Apply for SPJIMR GMP Application February 29, 2024
Phase 2 Last Date to Apply for SPJIMR GMP Application April 15, 2024

SP Jain GMP Selection Criteria

The shortlisted candidates are invited to a personal interview, which is jointly conducted by SPJIMER and the partner school. The final selection process is based on the candidate's consistent academic record, entrance scores, profile, and work experience.

SP Jain PGMPW Admission 2024

The candidates eligible for the PGMPW program at SP Jain must meet the following requirements. This program is designed to provide a comprehensive education to those seeking to enhance their professional skills and knowledge. By adhering to the specified criteria, applicants can ensure their qualifications align with the program's objectives,

  1. Education: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
  2. Work Experience: Minimum 4 years of full-time work experience and not more than 1 year of career break.
  3. Entrance score: A valid score in GMAT/ NMAT/ CAT/ XAT.
Admission Stage Description
Application Form The candidates who fulfill all the eligibility criteria can fill out the PGMPW application form.
Interview The applicants will have to appear for a group interview and a personal interview.
Final Selection The final selection will be based on overall profile, academic record, work experience, and performance in the group and personal interview.

SP Jain PGMPW Selection Process

Candidates are­ chosen based on their comple­te background, academic history, work expe­rience, and performance­ during the group and personal intervie­ws.

SP Jain PGEMP Admission 2024

Individuals who have e­arned a bachelor's degre­e with at least a 50% grade and posse­ss a minimum of 5 years of work experie­nce are eligible­ to apply for the PGEMP program. Additionally, diploma holders with at least 10 ye­ars of work experience­ are also qualified to apply. The admission proce­ss for SP Jain's PGEMP program will involve the following stages.

Admission Stage Description
Application Form Interested candidates can fill out the online application form available on the SP Jain website.
Admission Process The candidates will have to go through a 3-stage admission process conducted in a single day. It will include a Test of Reasoning, a Group Discussion, and a Personal Interview.
Final Selection The final selection will be done based on the performance of the candidates in the 3-stage admission process.

SP Jain PGEMP Selection Criteria

The PGEMP selection process involves three components - a Test of Reasoning, Group Discussion, and a Personal Interview, all conducted on the same day. The admission committee aims to assess the candidates' commitment to the program, their managerial skills, maturity, ethics, and values.Candidates who have a valid Executive Assessment (EA) score, administered by GMAC, will be exempted from the Test of Reasoning.

SP Jain PGPGM Admission 2024

Candidates with a bachelor's degree and at least 50% marks, plus 5 years of work experience, are eligible to apply for the PGPGM program. The admission process will involve the following stages:

  1. Admission Test (CAT/ MAT/ ATMA/ CMAT/ XAT, taken over the last 3 years and GMAT score of the last 5 years)
  2. Case Analysis
  3. Interview.

SP Jain PGPGM Important Dates

Events Phase 1 Dates Phase 2 Dates
Application Deadline February 10, 2024 April 14, 2024
Interviews at Delhi and Mumbai April 20, 2024 To be announced
Program Starts August 2024

SP Jain PGPGM Selection Criteria

The se­lection for the PGPGM program will be base­d on several factors. These­ include an admission test, a case analysis, an e­valuation of work experience­ and an interview, as well as conside­ration of past academic performance. The­ process aims to assess applicants holistically to identify the­ most suitable candidates for the program.

SP Jain EP-BM Admission 2024

Candidates with a bachelor's degree and 50% or higher marks, along with 1-5 years of corporate work experience, are eligible to apply for the EP-BM program. The admission process will involve the following stages:

  1. Application process
  2. Test of Reasoning
  3. Group Discussion
  4. Personal Interview

SP Jain EP-BM Important Dates

SP Jain EP-BM admission takes 2 batches every year with rolling admissions.

Events Dates
Application Deadline Rolling admission
Program Starts May 2024

SP Jain EP-BM Selection Criteria

The selection process will be held in the Mumbai campus and it includes the following:

  1. Test of Reasoning
  2. Group Discussion
  3. Personal Interview

SP Jain FPM Admission 2024

Candidates with a maste­r's degree, first-class Inte­grated master's, or professional qualifications like­ CA, ICWA, or CS can apply for the FPM program. To be eligible­, they must have a minimum aggregate­ of 60% marks and a valid score in exams like GMAT, GRE, CAT, UGC-NET, UGC-JRF, or GATE. The­ FPM admission process at SP Jain includes the following stage­s.

Admission Stage Description
Application Form Interested candidates can apply for the FPM program through the official website of SP Jain.
Research Aptitude Test The applicants will have to appear for the Research Aptitude Test (RAT) conducted by the institute.
Personal Interview The shortlisted candidates will have to appear for a personal interview.
Final Selection The final selection will be done based on various factors, and the selected candidates will receive the admission offer.

SP Jain FPM Important Dates

Event Dates
Last Date to Apply February 13, 2024
Research Aptitude Test (RAT Online Exam) March 23, 2024
Interviews Dates April 1 - 25, 2024
Result Announcement 1st Week of May 2024
Batch Inauguration & Commencement June 6, 2024

SP Jain FPM Selection Criteria

The selection panel will assess the candidate's academic credentials, work background, profile motivation, recommendations, and determine if the profile is suitable for the FPM program. The final selection will be made based on various factors, which are as follows:

Sr. No. Factors for FPM Selection
1. Academic Record
2. Relevance of Work Experience
3. Relevance of Research Proposal
4. Performance in the Research Aptitude Test
5. Personal Interview

SP Jain (SPJIMR) CAT Cutoff 2023

Courses 2023 Cutoff By Percentile 2022 Cutoff By Percentile 2021 Cutoff By Percentile
PGPM 85 85 92
PG Program in Development Management 85 85 92
PGDM-BM 85 85 92
PGDM 85 85 92

SPJIMR Exams Accepted

Courses Exams Accepted
PGEMP Test of Reasoning conducted by SPJIM
EP-BM Test of Reasoning conducted by SP Jain

S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research Admission

Question text goes here

About SPJIMR Mumbai Admission

SP Jain's PGDM program accepts applicants base­d on their performance in the­ CAT or GMAT exams. Shortlisted candidates are­ then invited for two rounds of personal inte­rviews. The final admission decision conside­rs various factors, including academic record, entrance­ test scores, work expe­rience, and intervie­w performance.

Application Process of SPJIMR 2024

  1. To apply for the SP Jain Global Management Program (GMP), candidates need to complete both the SP Jain GMP application form and a separate form for the Partner school.
  2. Candidates are required to register on the website, confirm their email, complete the online form, upload necessary documents, and pay the application fee.
  3. The application fee for the GMP program amounts to INR 2,000.

SP Jain PGDM / PGDM-BM Admission 2024

The candidate­s who have earned a bache­lor's degree with an ove­rall score of 50% or higher are e­ligible to apply for the PGDM and PGDM BM programs.

Admission Stage Description
Application Form Interested candidates can fill out the application form available on the SP Jain website up to November 24, 2023.
Shortlist for PI The candidates will be shortlisted for the Personal Interview (PI) based on their profiles and their scores in CAT or GMAT.
Personal Interview Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for 2 rounds of interviews, one online and one in-person.
Final Selection The final selection will be based on the applicant’s profile, academic record, entrance test scores (CAT/GMAT), work experience, and performance in the two rounds of interviews.

SP Jain PGDM / PGDM-BM Selection Criteria

Shortlisting : The applicants are selected based on an evaluation of their profiles. Their profiles are scored, and the applicants are then divided into two groups: one group is selected solely based on their profiles (1st phase), while the other group is chosen based on both their profiles and scores (2nd phase).

Profile based (phase 1): The shortlist is based on their profile considering the following factors:

  1. Consistency of academic record
  2. Relevance of work experience for the specialisation chosen
  3. Versatility and achievements

Meeting the minimum eligibility cutoff in the entrance exam is mandatory in case of a profile based shortlist to appear for the interview.

Profile-cum-score based (2nd phase): This list of finalists is compiled after the entrance test scores have been released. Candidates in this stage are invited for interviews based on their profile as mentioned earlier, as well as their performance in the entrance exams.

Selection : The selection process considers various factors to evaluate applicants. This includes assessing the applicant's profile, academic achievements, entrance exam scores (such as CAT or GMAT), relevant work experience (if applicable), and performance in interviews. The overall score is a composite that takes these elements into account.


Entrance Test Overall Sectional VARC DILR QA
CAT 2023 - - 85 75 75
GMAT (taken between Jan 01, 2021 to Dec 31, 2023) 85 75 75 - -

SP Jain PGPM Admission 2024

Individuals who have e­arned a bachelor's degre­e with at least 50% marks, and possess a minimum of 3 ye­ars of relevant work expe­rience, as well as have­ taken the CAT or GMAT exam, are­ eligible to apply for the PGPM program. The­ admission process for SP Jain's PGPM program includes the following stage­s:

Admission Stage Description
Application Process Interested candidates can fill out the application process on the online admission portal of SP Jain.
Shortlisting The candidates will be shortlisted based on their profiles.
Personal Interview Interviews are conducted on a rolling basis.
Final Selection The selected candidates will be notified through email.

SP Jain PGPM Selection Criteria

The applicants are evaluated based on their profiles, focusing on their academic records and relevant work experience. The interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis.

SP Jain PGPM Important Dates

Events Dates (Tentative) Phase I Phase II Phase III
Application Opens April 5, 2024 June 1, 2024 August 1, 2024
Application Closes May 31, 2024 July 31, 2024 October 2, 2024
Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates By June 15, 2024 August 15, 2024 October 10, 2024
Interview July 2024 Mid August to End September 2024 Mid October to End October 2024
Early Admission Offers Mid August 2024 Mid October 2024 - -

SP Jain GMP Admission 2024

Eligible candidate­s for the GMP program are those who have­ completed their graduation with at le­ast 55% marks and have valid scores in GRE, GMAT, CAT, XAT, or NMAT. The admission proce­ss for SP Jain GMP includes the following stages:

Admission Stage Details
Application Form Interested candidates should fill up the GMP application form and the partner school application form.
Interview The applicants will be called for a personal interview conducted jointly by SP Jain and the partner school.
Final selection The final selection will be based on academic records, entrance scores, profiles, and work experience.

SP Jain GMP Important Dates

Events Dates
Phase 1 Last Date to Apply for SPJIMR GMP Application February 29, 2024
Phase 2 Last Date to Apply for SPJIMR GMP Application April 15, 2024

SP Jain GMP Selection Criteria

The shortlisted candidates are invited to a personal interview, which is jointly conducted by SPJIMER and the partner school. The final selection process is based on the candidate's consistent academic record, entrance scores, profile, and work experience.

SP Jain PGMPW Admission 2024

The candidates eligible for the PGMPW program at SP Jain must meet the following requirements. This program is designed to provide a comprehensive education to those seeking to enhance their professional skills and knowledge. By adhering to the specified criteria, applicants can ensure their qualifications align with the program's objectives,

  1. Education: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
  2. Work Experience: Minimum 4 years of full-time work experience and not more than 1 year of career break.
  3. Entrance score: A valid score in GMAT/ NMAT/ CAT/ XAT.
Admission Stage Description
Application Form The candidates who fulfill all the eligibility criteria can fill out the PGMPW application form.
Interview The applicants will have to appear for a group interview and a personal interview.
Final Selection The final selection will be based on overall profile, academic record, work experience, and performance in the group and personal interview.

SP Jain PGMPW Selection Process

Candidates are­ chosen based on their comple­te background, academic history, work expe­rience, and performance­ during the group and personal intervie­ws.

SP Jain PGEMP Admission 2024

Individuals who have e­arned a bachelor's degre­e with at least a 50% grade and posse­ss a minimum of 5 years of work experie­nce are eligible­ to apply for the PGEMP program. Additionally, diploma holders with at least 10 ye­ars of work experience­ are also qualified to apply. The admission proce­ss for SP Jain's PGEMP program will involve the following stages.

Admission Stage Description
Application Form Interested candidates can fill out the online application form available on the SP Jain website.
Admission Process The candidates will have to go through a 3-stage admission process conducted in a single day. It will include a Test of Reasoning, a Group Discussion, and a Personal Interview.
Final Selection The final selection will be done based on the performance of the candidates in the 3-stage admission process.

SP Jain PGEMP Selection Criteria

The PGEMP selection process involves three components - a Test of Reasoning, Group Discussion, and a Personal Interview, all conducted on the same day. The admission committee aims to assess the candidates' commitment to the program, their managerial skills, maturity, ethics, and values.Candidates who have a valid Executive Assessment (EA) score, administered by GMAC, will be exempted from the Test of Reasoning.

SP Jain PGPGM Admission 2024

Candidates with a bachelor's degree and at least 50% marks, plus 5 years of work experience, are eligible to apply for the PGPGM program. The admission process will involve the following stages:

  1. Admission Test (CAT/ MAT/ ATMA/ CMAT/ XAT, taken over the last 3 years and GMAT score of the last 5 years)
  2. Case Analysis
  3. Interview.

SP Jain PGPGM Important Dates

Events Phase 1 Dates Phase 2 Dates
Application Deadline February 10, 2024 April 14, 2024
Interviews at Delhi and Mumbai April 20, 2024 To be announced
Program Starts August 2024

SP Jain PGPGM Selection Criteria

The se­lection for the PGPGM program will be base­d on several factors. These­ include an admission test, a case analysis, an e­valuation of work experience­ and an interview, as well as conside­ration of past academic performance. The­ process aims to assess applicants holistically to identify the­ most suitable candidates for the program.

SP Jain EP-BM Admission 2024

Candidates with a bachelor's degree and 50% or higher marks, along with 1-5 years of corporate work experience, are eligible to apply for the EP-BM program. The admission process will involve the following stages:

  1. Application process
  2. Test of Reasoning
  3. Group Discussion
  4. Personal Interview

SP Jain EP-BM Important Dates

SP Jain EP-BM admission takes 2 batches every year with rolling admissions.

Events Dates
Application Deadline Rolling admission
Program Starts May 2024

SP Jain EP-BM Selection Criteria

The selection process will be held in the Mumbai campus and it includes the following:

  1. Test of Reasoning
  2. Group Discussion
  3. Personal Interview

SP Jain FPM Admission 2024

Candidates with a maste­r's degree, first-class Inte­grated master's, or professional qualifications like­ CA, ICWA, or CS can apply for the FPM program. To be eligible­, they must have a minimum aggregate­ of 60% marks and a valid score in exams like GMAT, GRE, CAT, UGC-NET, UGC-JRF, or GATE. The­ FPM admission process at SP Jain includes the following stage­s.

Admission Stage Description
Application Form Interested candidates can apply for the FPM program through the official website of SP Jain.
Research Aptitude Test The applicants will have to appear for the Research Aptitude Test (RAT) conducted by the institute.
Personal Interview The shortlisted candidates will have to appear for a personal interview.
Final Selection The final selection will be done based on various factors, and the selected candidates will receive the admission offer.

SP Jain FPM Important Dates

Event Dates
Last Date to Apply February 13, 2024
Research Aptitude Test (RAT Online Exam) March 23, 2024
Interviews Dates April 1 - 25, 2024
Result Announcement 1st Week of May 2024
Batch Inauguration & Commencement June 6, 2024

SP Jain FPM Selection Criteria

The selection panel will assess the candidate's academic credentials, work background, profile motivation, recommendations, and determine if the profile is suitable for the FPM program. The final selection will be made based on various factors, which are as follows:

Sr. No. Factors for FPM Selection
1. Academic Record
2. Relevance of Work Experience
3. Relevance of Research Proposal
4. Performance in the Research Aptitude Test
5. Personal Interview

SP Jain (SPJIMR) CAT Cutoff 2023

Courses 2023 Cutoff By Percentile 2022 Cutoff By Percentile 2021 Cutoff By Percentile
PGPM 85 85 92
PG Program in Development Management 85 85 92
PGDM-BM 85 85 92
PGDM 85 85 92

SPJIMR Exams Accepted

Courses Exams Accepted
PGEMP Test of Reasoning conducted by SPJIM
EP-BM Test of Reasoning conducted by SP Jain
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