ACS Medical College and Hospital Courses and Fees

The tuition, housing, health insurance, mess and other security deposits, and other fees are all cumulative in the ACS Medical College and Hospital cost structure. ACS Medical College and Hospital charges certain fee components on an annual basis, whereas other price components, such tuition, must be paid on a semester-by-semester basis. The cost of attending ACS Medical College and Hospital varies according on the course or specialism that students select.

ACS Medical College and Hospital Fees Structure

Course Fees Eligibility Application Date
MBBS ₹47.4 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) 10+2 with 50% + NEET 9 Feb - 20 Aug 2024
M.D (17 Courses) ₹5 Lakhs - 50 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) MBBS -
M.S (2 Courses) ₹30 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) MBBS -
M.S (3 Courses) ₹40 Lakhs - 45 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) MBBS - Get College Loan with Propelld Take low-interest study loans with Propelld for your college fees

ACS Medical College and Hospital Fees

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ACS Medical College and Hospital Courses and Fees

The tuition, housing, health insurance, mess and other security deposits, and other fees are all cumulative in the ACS Medical College and Hospital cost structure. ACS Medical College and Hospital charges certain fee components on an annual basis, whereas other price components, such tuition, must be paid on a semester-by-semester basis. The cost of attending ACS Medical College and Hospital varies according on the course or specialism that students select.

ACS Medical College and Hospital Fees Structure

Course Fees Eligibility Application Date
MBBS ₹47.4 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) 10+2 with 50% + NEET 9 Feb - 20 Aug 2024
M.D (17 Courses) ₹5 Lakhs - 50 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) MBBS -
M.S (2 Courses) ₹30 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) MBBS -
M.S (3 Courses) ₹40 Lakhs - 45 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) MBBS - Get College Loan with Propelld Take low-interest study loans with Propelld for your college fees
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What is the fees of ACS Medical college and Hospital MBBS?

The fees at ACS medical College and Hospital for MBBS is ₹47.4 Lakhs for the first year

What is the tuition fee for MD at ACS Medical College and Hospital ?

The tuition fee for MD at ACS Medical College and Hospital ranges from ₹5 Lakhs - 50 Lakhs for the first year depending on the specialisation chose.

What is the hostel fee for all the students of ACSMC?

A total of Rs 1,75,000 is charged from a student for hostel and mess fee every year.

What is the application fee of MBBS at ACS Medical College?

Admission to MBBS is done through NEET-UG exam. For General category, the application fee is Rs 1,500, however, for OBC and SC/ST category, the fee is Rs 1,400 and Rs 800, respectively.

What is the fees for the courses at ACS Medical College and Hospital?

In ACS Medical College, MBBS will be around INR 47 Lakhs per year, M.D costs around INR 5 Lakhs per year and MS will cost around INR 40 Lakhs per year. The fees are subject to change. It's recommended to check with the college directly for the most up-to-date and accurate fee information for the MBBS, MD, and MS programs.

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