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Andhra University College of Engineering Placement

A strong training and placement cell of the Andhra University College of Engineering (AUCE) in Visakhapatnam works with departmental representatives, industry specialists, and student representatives. 827 students were placed at the engineering level in the 2022–2023 academic year, according to NIRF data1. The most expensive bundle available was Rs. 84.50 LPA2. Every year, placement drives are held, bringing a variety of recruiters to conduct interviews. Comparing this year to other years, AUCE saw an increase in the quantity of recruiters and the packages provided.

Andhra University College of Engineering Placements Report

BTech Placement Statistics
Academic Year Number of Students Placed Median Salary of Placed Graduates
2022-2023 397 Rs. 5.88 LPA
2021-2022 315 Rs. 6.50 LPA
2020-2021 330 Rs. 5.50 LPA
MTech Placement Statistics
Academic Year Number of Students Placed Median Salary of Placed Graduates
2022-2023 430 Rs. 6.80 LPA
2021-2022 315 Rs. 6.60 LPA
2020-2021 93 Rs. 6.50 LPA
Particulars Statistics
First Year Total Students Intake 510
Total Students Admitted 510
Total Graduated Students 510
Total Placed Students 430
Placement Percentage 99.54%
Total Students Gone for Higher Studies 78
Median Salary 6.80 LPA

Andhra University College of Engineering Job Prospects

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Andhra University College of Engineering Placement

A strong training and placement cell of the Andhra University College of Engineering (AUCE) in Visakhapatnam works with departmental representatives, industry specialists, and student representatives. 827 students were placed at the engineering level in the 2022–2023 academic year, according to NIRF data1. The most expensive bundle available was Rs. 84.50 LPA2. Every year, placement drives are held, bringing a variety of recruiters to conduct interviews. Comparing this year to other years, AUCE saw an increase in the quantity of recruiters and the packages provided.

Andhra University College of Engineering Placements Report

BTech Placement Statistics
Academic Year Number of Students Placed Median Salary of Placed Graduates
2022-2023 397 Rs. 5.88 LPA
2021-2022 315 Rs. 6.50 LPA
2020-2021 330 Rs. 5.50 LPA
MTech Placement Statistics
Academic Year Number of Students Placed Median Salary of Placed Graduates
2022-2023 430 Rs. 6.80 LPA
2021-2022 315 Rs. 6.60 LPA
2020-2021 93 Rs. 6.50 LPA
Particulars Statistics
First Year Total Students Intake 510
Total Students Admitted 510
Total Graduated Students 510
Total Placed Students 430
Placement Percentage 99.54%
Total Students Gone for Higher Studies 78
Median Salary 6.80 LPA
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