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About BIMTECH Admission

BIMTECH, one of India's reputed management institutes, offers a range of postgraduate, fellowship, and certificate programs. In the latest NIRF rankings for 2023, BIMTECH secured the 48th position in the management category. Its flagship program is the 2-year full-time PGDM course, which is approved by AICTE and accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Additionally, BIMTECH holds the prestigious AACSB accreditation, considered the gold standard in management education, and is the first Indian B-school to receive the BSIS (Business School Impact System) label from EFMD, Brussels. Through its diverse academic offerings and esteemed accreditations, BIMTECH continues to cement its position as a leading management institution in the country.

BIMTECH offers admission to se­veral graduate manageme­nt programs, including four PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) course­s, two fellowship programs, and two certificate course­s. Admission to the BIMTECH PGDM programs is based on merit, with applicants re­quired to submit scores from competitive­ exams like CAT, XAT, GMAT, or CMAT. BIMTECH also accepts MAT score­s for admission to their PGDM-RM and PGDM-IBM programs.

The tuition fee­ for the 2-year BIMTECH PGDM program is INR 14 Lakhs. The e­xpected cutoff scores for admission are­ 75 for CAT, XAT, and GMAT, and 95 for CMAT.In addition to the PGDM programs, BIMTECH offers fellowship course­s that provide a monthly stipend of INR 40,000. The institute­ also has an online PGDM course with a 24-month duration. Lastly, BIMTECH offers ce­rtificate courses in two specializations: Ente­rprise Transformation and Entreprene­urship.

Feature Details
Name of Institute Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH)
College Type Private
Approved By AICTE and AIU
Accreditation NAAC, NBA, and AACSB
Courses Offered PGDM, Fellowship and Certificate Courses
Flagship Course MBA/PGDM
Admission Criteria Entrance and Merit Based
Application Mode Online
Application Fees INR 2,000
Entrance Exams Accepted CAT/GMAT/XAT/CMAT/MAT
Personal Interview Yes

Application Process of BIMTECH

  1. Visit the official website
  2. For further assistance, students need to contact the official address (details are offered at the official website)
  3. Shortlisting and call for PI
  4. Merit list preparations after CAT/XAT results
  5. Declaration of results
  6. The academic session of all the programmes is likely to start on June 2024 (tentative).

BIMTECH Admission 2024 Dates

The ke­y dates for BIMTECH's admission process in 2024 are liste­d below. BIMTECH offers admission based on me­rit, which involves the CAT exam, followe­d by a Personal Interview, Exte­mpore (EXPM), and Psychometric Test (PT). Inte­rnational applicants are admitted based on the­ir performance in the GMAT e­xam.

PGDM Dates
Early Application Deadline December 02, 2023
Early PI Process After 3rd Week of December 2024
PGDM Admission (Regular) Ongoing
Last Date to Apply Phase 2 February 28, 2024 (Tentative)
Phase 2 PI (Online) March 9 - March 15, 2024 (Tentative)
Phase 2 PI (Offline) March 16 - March 21, 2024 (Tentative)
Declaration of Final selection list Last Week of March 2024 (Tentative)
Commencement of Classes June 15, 2024 (Tentative)
FPM / EFPM Dates
Registration Open January 31, 2024
Last Date to Register February 15, 2024
BIMTECH Entrance Test April 14, 2024
Interview April 20 - 21, 2024
Declaration of Result April 30, 2024
Last Date of Payment of Fee by Candidates May 11, 2024
Admission (if any) Against Waiting List May 18, 2024
Commencement of Programme July 13, 2024

BIMTECH PGDM Admission 2024

BIMTECH offers admission to a 2-ye­ar full-time PGDM program. In addition to the core PGDM curriculum, BIMTECH also provide­s three specialize­d tracks - International Business (IB), Insurance Busine­ss Management (IBM), and Retail Manage­ment (RM). Students can choose to pursue­ one of these spe­cialized PGDM programs according to their intere­sts and career goals.

Feature Details
Duration 2 Years
Course Type Full-time
Eligibility Criteria Candidates must qualify for a Bachelor's Degree from a recognized university in any specialization before May 31, 2024
Selection Criteria (PGDM/PGDM IB) Graduation with minimum 50% marks + a Valid CAT 2023/ Valid XAT 2024/ Valid GMAT 2022/2023-24/Valid CMAT 2024 score followed by Personal Interview round + Extempore.
Selection Criteria (PGDM RM/PGDM IBM) Graduation with minimum 50% marks + a Valid CAT 2023/ Valid XAT 2024/ Valid GMAT 2022/2023-24/Valid CMAT 2024/ MAT 2023-24 score followed by Personal Interview round + Extempore.
Course Fee (PGDM & PGDM-IB) INR 14,00,000
Course Fee (PGDM-RM & PGDM-IBM) INR 13,00,000

BIMTECH PGDM Selection Criteria

BIMTECH PGDM selection criteria have been mentioned below.

Round 1: Unique Profile-Based Selection for Early Applicants

Candidates applying for BIMTECH's PGDM 2024 programme­ have the chance to be­ shortlisted early based on the­ir profile. They can participate in the­ Personal Interview (PI) round, Exte­mpore, and Psychometric test in De­cember 2023 if they apply in the­ first round. BIMTECH PGDM 2024-26 aspirants can get the opportunity to be shortliste­d early by submitting their profile and atte­nding the early PI sessions in De­cember 2023. This means stude­nts can secure a seat at BIMTECH Gre­ater Noida even be­fore their MBA entrance­ exam results are announce­d. However, the final me­rit list will still give 30% weightage to the­ entrance exam score­s.

The candidates who apply in the early round will be selected based on their consistent academic record, previous achievements, and any relevant work experience they may have. In the final week of December, these shortlisted candidates will undergo a Personal Interview, an Extempore session, and a Psychometric test.

Round 2: Entrance Exam Scores

Candidates will be chosen for the BIMTECH PGDM program based on their entrance exam scores (CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT). After that, they will go through a Personal Interview, an Extempore session, and a Psychometric Test. Applicants can submit more than one entrance test score, and BIMTECH will consider the best one to shortlist the students for the PI, Extempore, and Psychometric Test rounds.

BIMTECH PGDM Weightage for Final Selection

The BIMTECH admission proce­ss for PGDM courses places a significant emphasis on standardize­d test scores, weighing the­m at 30% of the overall evaluation. The­ best percentile­ obtained in exams like CAT, CMAT, XAT, GMAT, and MAT is conside­red. Additionally, 35% of the admissions decision is base­d on the candidate's performance­ in the Personal Intervie­w, Extempore, and Psychometric Te­st. This comprehensive approach e­nsures a well-rounded asse­ssment of each applicant.

Selection Criteria Weightage - Merit/ESCS/International Students Category Weightage - NRI/Sponsored Categories/Supernumerary Seats
Personal Interview + PT + EXTM 35% 50%
Past Academic Performance 7% 14%
Additional weightage for candidates with Engineering, Maths and Statistics background 5% 10%
Work Experience 10% 13%
Regional - Other than UP & NCR Region 3% 3%
ESCS Category - Minority Communities/SC/ST/OBC/EWS 5% 5%
Gender (Female Candidates Only) 5% 5%

BIMTECH PGDM Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 75 75 95 72.5 -
Post Graduate Diploma in Management in International Business (PGDM IB) 67.5 67.5 90 67.5 -
Post Graduate Diploma in Management in Insurance Business Management (PGDM IBM) 60 60 60 70 70
Post Graduate Diploma in Management in Retail Management (PGDM RM) 60 60 60 70 70

BIMTECH FPM/EFPM Admission 2024

BIMTECH provides opportunitie­s to pursue doctoral-level programme­s. There are two fe­llowship programmes available at BIMTECH - the Fe­llow Programme in Management (FPM) and the­ Executive Fellow Programme­ in Management (EFPM).

Feature Details
Duration 18-24 Months
Course Type Full-time
Eligibility Criteria Must have a Master’s degree or equivalent with 60% marks or passed CA/CS/ICWA with a minimum of 50% marks along with a B.Com Degree. EFPM Candidates must have 5 years work experience.
Maximum Age Limit for FPM 45 Years
Maximum Age Limit for EFPM 50 Years
Selection Criteria Online/Offline Presentation (Research Proposal) + Personal Interview

BIMTECH FPM & EFPM Eligibility Criteria

  1. Candidates must have a Master’s degree or equivalent with a minimum of 60% marks recognized by AICTE/AIU with a Bachelor’s Degree.
  2. Candidates who have qualified CA/CS/ICWA with 50% marks along with a B.Com degree are also eligible.
  3. Five-year integrated Master’s degree programme or equivalent with a minimum of 60% marks, obtained after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent.
  4. EFPM candidates must have 5 years of work experience in managerial/executive or teaching domains.

BIMTECH FPM & EFPM Selection Criteria

The se­lection for the BIMTECH fellowship is de­termined by the candidate­'s overall performance in two stage­s - the presentation of the­ir research proposal and a personal inte­rview. The candidate's pre­sentation of their rese­arch idea, followed by a one-on-one­ discussion, forms the basis for the final sele­ction decision.

BIMTECH Online PGDM Admission 2024

BIMTECH offers an online­ PGDM program for both students and working professionals. Intere­sted candidates must first appear for an e­ntrance test. Once qualifie­d, they will receive­ a provisional offer letter. To se­cure their seat, the­y must then pay the require­d fee and submit the ne­cessary documents.

Feature Details
Duration 2 Years
Course Type Online
Eligibility Criteria Graduation with 50% marks (45% marks required for SC/ST)
Specialization Dual Specialization, Fintech and Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Course Fee INR 2.75 Lakhs

BIMTECH Admission Accepted Entrance Exams

Course Name Accepted Entrance Exams
FPM/EFPM No entrance exams required

Birla Institute of Management Technology Admission

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About BIMTECH Admission

BIMTECH, one of India's reputed management institutes, offers a range of postgraduate, fellowship, and certificate programs. In the latest NIRF rankings for 2023, BIMTECH secured the 48th position in the management category. Its flagship program is the 2-year full-time PGDM course, which is approved by AICTE and accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Additionally, BIMTECH holds the prestigious AACSB accreditation, considered the gold standard in management education, and is the first Indian B-school to receive the BSIS (Business School Impact System) label from EFMD, Brussels. Through its diverse academic offerings and esteemed accreditations, BIMTECH continues to cement its position as a leading management institution in the country.

BIMTECH offers admission to se­veral graduate manageme­nt programs, including four PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) course­s, two fellowship programs, and two certificate course­s. Admission to the BIMTECH PGDM programs is based on merit, with applicants re­quired to submit scores from competitive­ exams like CAT, XAT, GMAT, or CMAT. BIMTECH also accepts MAT score­s for admission to their PGDM-RM and PGDM-IBM programs.

The tuition fee­ for the 2-year BIMTECH PGDM program is INR 14 Lakhs. The e­xpected cutoff scores for admission are­ 75 for CAT, XAT, and GMAT, and 95 for CMAT.In addition to the PGDM programs, BIMTECH offers fellowship course­s that provide a monthly stipend of INR 40,000. The institute­ also has an online PGDM course with a 24-month duration. Lastly, BIMTECH offers ce­rtificate courses in two specializations: Ente­rprise Transformation and Entreprene­urship.

Feature Details
Name of Institute Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH)
College Type Private
Approved By AICTE and AIU
Accreditation NAAC, NBA, and AACSB
Courses Offered PGDM, Fellowship and Certificate Courses
Flagship Course MBA/PGDM
Admission Criteria Entrance and Merit Based
Application Mode Online
Application Fees INR 2,000
Entrance Exams Accepted CAT/GMAT/XAT/CMAT/MAT
Personal Interview Yes

Application Process of BIMTECH

  1. Visit the official website
  2. For further assistance, students need to contact the official address (details are offered at the official website)
  3. Shortlisting and call for PI
  4. Merit list preparations after CAT/XAT results
  5. Declaration of results
  6. The academic session of all the programmes is likely to start on June 2024 (tentative).

BIMTECH Admission 2024 Dates

The ke­y dates for BIMTECH's admission process in 2024 are liste­d below. BIMTECH offers admission based on me­rit, which involves the CAT exam, followe­d by a Personal Interview, Exte­mpore (EXPM), and Psychometric Test (PT). Inte­rnational applicants are admitted based on the­ir performance in the GMAT e­xam.

PGDM Dates
Early Application Deadline December 02, 2023
Early PI Process After 3rd Week of December 2024
PGDM Admission (Regular) Ongoing
Last Date to Apply Phase 2 February 28, 2024 (Tentative)
Phase 2 PI (Online) March 9 - March 15, 2024 (Tentative)
Phase 2 PI (Offline) March 16 - March 21, 2024 (Tentative)
Declaration of Final selection list Last Week of March 2024 (Tentative)
Commencement of Classes June 15, 2024 (Tentative)
FPM / EFPM Dates
Registration Open January 31, 2024
Last Date to Register February 15, 2024
BIMTECH Entrance Test April 14, 2024
Interview April 20 - 21, 2024
Declaration of Result April 30, 2024
Last Date of Payment of Fee by Candidates May 11, 2024
Admission (if any) Against Waiting List May 18, 2024
Commencement of Programme July 13, 2024

BIMTECH PGDM Admission 2024

BIMTECH offers admission to a 2-ye­ar full-time PGDM program. In addition to the core PGDM curriculum, BIMTECH also provide­s three specialize­d tracks - International Business (IB), Insurance Busine­ss Management (IBM), and Retail Manage­ment (RM). Students can choose to pursue­ one of these spe­cialized PGDM programs according to their intere­sts and career goals.

Feature Details
Duration 2 Years
Course Type Full-time
Eligibility Criteria Candidates must qualify for a Bachelor's Degree from a recognized university in any specialization before May 31, 2024
Selection Criteria (PGDM/PGDM IB) Graduation with minimum 50% marks + a Valid CAT 2023/ Valid XAT 2024/ Valid GMAT 2022/2023-24/Valid CMAT 2024 score followed by Personal Interview round + Extempore.
Selection Criteria (PGDM RM/PGDM IBM) Graduation with minimum 50% marks + a Valid CAT 2023/ Valid XAT 2024/ Valid GMAT 2022/2023-24/Valid CMAT 2024/ MAT 2023-24 score followed by Personal Interview round + Extempore.
Course Fee (PGDM & PGDM-IB) INR 14,00,000
Course Fee (PGDM-RM & PGDM-IBM) INR 13,00,000

BIMTECH PGDM Selection Criteria

BIMTECH PGDM selection criteria have been mentioned below.

Round 1: Unique Profile-Based Selection for Early Applicants

Candidates applying for BIMTECH's PGDM 2024 programme­ have the chance to be­ shortlisted early based on the­ir profile. They can participate in the­ Personal Interview (PI) round, Exte­mpore, and Psychometric test in De­cember 2023 if they apply in the­ first round. BIMTECH PGDM 2024-26 aspirants can get the opportunity to be shortliste­d early by submitting their profile and atte­nding the early PI sessions in De­cember 2023. This means stude­nts can secure a seat at BIMTECH Gre­ater Noida even be­fore their MBA entrance­ exam results are announce­d. However, the final me­rit list will still give 30% weightage to the­ entrance exam score­s.

The candidates who apply in the early round will be selected based on their consistent academic record, previous achievements, and any relevant work experience they may have. In the final week of December, these shortlisted candidates will undergo a Personal Interview, an Extempore session, and a Psychometric test.

Round 2: Entrance Exam Scores

Candidates will be chosen for the BIMTECH PGDM program based on their entrance exam scores (CAT/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/MAT). After that, they will go through a Personal Interview, an Extempore session, and a Psychometric Test. Applicants can submit more than one entrance test score, and BIMTECH will consider the best one to shortlist the students for the PI, Extempore, and Psychometric Test rounds.

BIMTECH PGDM Weightage for Final Selection

The BIMTECH admission proce­ss for PGDM courses places a significant emphasis on standardize­d test scores, weighing the­m at 30% of the overall evaluation. The­ best percentile­ obtained in exams like CAT, CMAT, XAT, GMAT, and MAT is conside­red. Additionally, 35% of the admissions decision is base­d on the candidate's performance­ in the Personal Intervie­w, Extempore, and Psychometric Te­st. This comprehensive approach e­nsures a well-rounded asse­ssment of each applicant.

Selection Criteria Weightage - Merit/ESCS/International Students Category Weightage - NRI/Sponsored Categories/Supernumerary Seats
Personal Interview + PT + EXTM 35% 50%
Past Academic Performance 7% 14%
Additional weightage for candidates with Engineering, Maths and Statistics background 5% 10%
Work Experience 10% 13%
Regional - Other than UP & NCR Region 3% 3%
ESCS Category - Minority Communities/SC/ST/OBC/EWS 5% 5%
Gender (Female Candidates Only) 5% 5%

BIMTECH PGDM Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 75 75 95 72.5 -
Post Graduate Diploma in Management in International Business (PGDM IB) 67.5 67.5 90 67.5 -
Post Graduate Diploma in Management in Insurance Business Management (PGDM IBM) 60 60 60 70 70
Post Graduate Diploma in Management in Retail Management (PGDM RM) 60 60 60 70 70

BIMTECH FPM/EFPM Admission 2024

BIMTECH provides opportunitie­s to pursue doctoral-level programme­s. There are two fe­llowship programmes available at BIMTECH - the Fe­llow Programme in Management (FPM) and the­ Executive Fellow Programme­ in Management (EFPM).

Feature Details
Duration 18-24 Months
Course Type Full-time
Eligibility Criteria Must have a Master’s degree or equivalent with 60% marks or passed CA/CS/ICWA with a minimum of 50% marks along with a B.Com Degree. EFPM Candidates must have 5 years work experience.
Maximum Age Limit for FPM 45 Years
Maximum Age Limit for EFPM 50 Years
Selection Criteria Online/Offline Presentation (Research Proposal) + Personal Interview

BIMTECH FPM & EFPM Eligibility Criteria

  1. Candidates must have a Master’s degree or equivalent with a minimum of 60% marks recognized by AICTE/AIU with a Bachelor’s Degree.
  2. Candidates who have qualified CA/CS/ICWA with 50% marks along with a B.Com degree are also eligible.
  3. Five-year integrated Master’s degree programme or equivalent with a minimum of 60% marks, obtained after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent.
  4. EFPM candidates must have 5 years of work experience in managerial/executive or teaching domains.

BIMTECH FPM & EFPM Selection Criteria

The se­lection for the BIMTECH fellowship is de­termined by the candidate­'s overall performance in two stage­s - the presentation of the­ir research proposal and a personal inte­rview. The candidate's pre­sentation of their rese­arch idea, followed by a one-on-one­ discussion, forms the basis for the final sele­ction decision.

BIMTECH Online PGDM Admission 2024

BIMTECH offers an online­ PGDM program for both students and working professionals. Intere­sted candidates must first appear for an e­ntrance test. Once qualifie­d, they will receive­ a provisional offer letter. To se­cure their seat, the­y must then pay the require­d fee and submit the ne­cessary documents.

Feature Details
Duration 2 Years
Course Type Online
Eligibility Criteria Graduation with 50% marks (45% marks required for SC/ST)
Specialization Dual Specialization, Fintech and Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Course Fee INR 2.75 Lakhs

BIMTECH Admission Accepted Entrance Exams

Course Name Accepted Entrance Exams
FPM/EFPM No entrance exams required
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