The DC School of Management and Technology (DCSMAT), located in Vagamon, boasts an impressive placement record of 100%. This institution has established a dedicated placement cell that oversees all placement activities. The DCSMAT Vagamon placement cell offers a plethora of opportunities for students, ensuring a seamless execution of the placement drive (which frequently attracts various esteemed companies eager to recruit). Furthermore, the placement cell at DCSMAT Vagamon maintains strong connections with leading corporations; in addition, it invites alumni from the college to deliver guest lectures and assist students in making informed career choices.
The DC School of Management and Technology (DCSMAT), located in Vagamon, boasts an impressive placement record of 100%. This institution has established a dedicated placement cell that oversees all placement activities. The DCSMAT Vagamon placement cell offers a plethora of opportunities for students, ensuring a seamless execution of the placement drive (which frequently attracts various esteemed companies eager to recruit). Furthermore, the placement cell at DCSMAT Vagamon maintains strong connections with leading corporations; in addition, it invites alumni from the college to deliver guest lectures and assist students in making informed career choices.
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