GMC Amritsar offers various undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in the field of Medicine, Nursing, and the Paramedical stream. The college also offers various Diploma courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels
GMC Amritsar offers various undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in the field of Medicine, Nursing, and the Paramedical stream. The college also offers various Diploma courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels
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The total fee for B.Sc courses is ₹38,800 (1st Year Fees).
The total fee for M.D courses ranges from ₹1.25 Lakhs to ₹4.5 Lakhs.
The total fee for M.Sc courses is ₹1.25 Lakhs (1st Year Fees).
The total fee for M.S courses is ₹4.5 Lakhs.