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Gulzar Group of Institutes Placement

The Gulzar Group of Institutes (GGI) in Ludhiana features a dedicated placement cell, which plays a critical role in providing career counseling to students. This cell organizes various industrial training programs aimed at final-year students, equipping them with essential skills and knowledge. Notably, the average salary package for GGI graduates typically ranges from 3.5 to 5 lakhs per annum. However, the placement cell also conducts an array of sessions that prepare students for group discussions, interviews and numerous other assessment rounds (which companies utilize) to guarantee that students excel during these evaluations.

Gulzar Group of Institutes Job Prospects

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Gulzar Group of Institutes Placement

The Gulzar Group of Institutes (GGI) in Ludhiana features a dedicated placement cell, which plays a critical role in providing career counseling to students. This cell organizes various industrial training programs aimed at final-year students, equipping them with essential skills and knowledge. Notably, the average salary package for GGI graduates typically ranges from 3.5 to 5 lakhs per annum. However, the placement cell also conducts an array of sessions that prepare students for group discussions, interviews and numerous other assessment rounds (which companies utilize) to guarantee that students excel during these evaluations.

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