Institute of Insurance and Risk Management



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Frequently Asked Questions :

Q1. Does the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management provide a distance education programme?

A. .Yes, the institute provides an International Post Graduate Diploma distance education programme.

Q2. What is the IIRM Hyderabad average package?

A. The IIRM Hyderabad average package for 2021 was ₹5.1 lakh.

Q3. What is the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management cut-off?

A. 50% at graduation is the required cut-off for admission to the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management.

Q4. What are the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management’s PGDM fees?

A. The total fees for PGDM at the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management is around ₹8.2 lakh.

300 - IIRM Hyderabad Faqs

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Frequently Asked Questions :

Q1. Does the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management provide a distance education programme?

A. .Yes, the institute provides an International Post Graduate Diploma distance education programme.

Q2. What is the IIRM Hyderabad average package?

A. The IIRM Hyderabad average package for 2021 was ₹5.1 lakh.

Q3. What is the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management cut-off?

A. 50% at graduation is the required cut-off for admission to the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management.

Q4. What are the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management’s PGDM fees?

A. The total fees for PGDM at the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management is around ₹8.2 lakh.

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