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Insights Into the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management

IIRM is a pioneering educational institution that provides programmes in financial services, insurance, actuarial science, and other related fields. It has a strong identity because it is supported by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) and the Government of Telangana. The Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management has been accredited by The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the IRDAI.The institute’s flagship programme is the PGDM. The courses have been accredited by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) in London. Successful International Postgraduate Diploma holders from the Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management in the Life Insurance, General Insurance, or Risk Management programmes are entitled to Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII) credits, a globally recognised qualification.


Particulars Statistics
Year of establishment 2002
City Hyderabad
Ownership Government
Affiliation Society of Actuaries (SOA); Chartered Insurance Institute, London; Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai
Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)
Accreditation AICTE, IRDAI
Ranking Ranked 7th among Hyderabad Government B-Schools.
Mode of education Full-time/Distance-Learning
Total courses 10 courses across three streams
Scholarships offered SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd yearly merit prize
CII, London scholarship
Official website

IIRM Hyderabad Ranking and Achievement 

The institute has been recognised by many institutions and has received many rankings such as:

  • Ranked 19th among all Government B-Schools in India
  • Ranked 25th by India MBA 2022
  • Ranked 7th among Hyderabad Government B-Schools
  • Ranked 70th in India's Best Placements & B-Schools poll, the college was ranked 70th

Courses Offered by the Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management

The PGDM is the institute’s flagship two-year programme with specialities such as financial services and banking, operations management, data science & analytics, insurance, human resource management, risk management, marketing, and actuarial science on offer. The Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management also offers a one-year Post Graduate Certificate in Management specialising in risk management/insurance and actuarial science.

The Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management offers distance education programmes like an International Post Graduate Diploma specialising in Life Insurance, General Insurance, Risk Management, and Reinsurance.

Course Level Length of Course
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Diploma Two years
Post Graduate Certificate in Management (PGCM) Diploma One year
International Post Graduate Diploma (IPGD) Diploma Two years

296 - IIRM Hyderabad Info

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Insights Into the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management

IIRM is a pioneering educational institution that provides programmes in financial services, insurance, actuarial science, and other related fields. It has a strong identity because it is supported by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) and the Government of Telangana. The Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management has been accredited by The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the IRDAI.The institute’s flagship programme is the PGDM. The courses have been accredited by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) in London. Successful International Postgraduate Diploma holders from the Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management in the Life Insurance, General Insurance, or Risk Management programmes are entitled to Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII) credits, a globally recognised qualification.


Particulars Statistics
Year of establishment 2002
City Hyderabad
Ownership Government
Affiliation Society of Actuaries (SOA); Chartered Insurance Institute, London; Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai
Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)
Accreditation AICTE, IRDAI
Ranking Ranked 7th among Hyderabad Government B-Schools.
Mode of education Full-time/Distance-Learning
Total courses 10 courses across three streams
Scholarships offered SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd yearly merit prize
CII, London scholarship
Official website

IIRM Hyderabad Ranking and Achievement 

The institute has been recognised by many institutions and has received many rankings such as:

  • Ranked 19th among all Government B-Schools in India
  • Ranked 25th by India MBA 2022
  • Ranked 7th among Hyderabad Government B-Schools
  • Ranked 70th in India's Best Placements & B-Schools poll, the college was ranked 70th

Courses Offered by the Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management

The PGDM is the institute’s flagship two-year programme with specialities such as financial services and banking, operations management, data science & analytics, insurance, human resource management, risk management, marketing, and actuarial science on offer. The Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management also offers a one-year Post Graduate Certificate in Management specialising in risk management/insurance and actuarial science.

The Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management offers distance education programmes like an International Post Graduate Diploma specialising in Life Insurance, General Insurance, Risk Management, and Reinsurance.

Course Level Length of Course
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Diploma Two years
Post Graduate Certificate in Management (PGCM) Diploma One year
International Post Graduate Diploma (IPGD) Diploma Two years

Facilities at the Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management

The Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management provides facilities like conference rooms, classrooms, and an air-conditioned auditorium at Gachibowli, a prime location in the city. The institute also features cutting-edge audio-visual technology for classroom work, conferences, training programmes, and seminars.


The institute has well-furnished classrooms which are air-conditioned and have modern audio-visual equipment. Students are also presented with online video lectures and MOOCs. All classrooms have speakers, collar microphones for professors, computers, whiteboards, and screen projectors, while the lecture halls have high-fidelity video screens, speakers, and microphones.


The Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management library serves as a learning resource centre for students and faculty. You can access books, journals, and case study material and check the availability of library materials in real-time. It offers a range of information services to aid in the learning process. The library has an extensive collection of national and international journals.

IT & Language Lab

The institute computer centre is well-equipped with a cutting-edge Local Area Network (LAN), which provides a multi-user environment and terminals running on the Windows platform. In addition, modern software such as Microsoft Office productivity tools, integrated accounting package (TALLY), and so on are available. Candidates choosing to do the Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management analytics programme receive training in statistical and analytics software packages, allowing them to use HADOOP and R. 


The institute’s hostels cover approximately 2 acres. The residential complex comprises separate hostels for boys and girls, a canteen for 24-hour catering services, entertainment facilities, and so on. The entire residential complex is under 24x7 CCTV surveillance for the safety and security of students.

Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management Entrance Exams Requirements

Entrance exams you will have to attend for admission in Indian Institute of Insurance and Risk Management:

Course Entrance Exam
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) CAT/MAT/XAT/GMAT/ATMA/CMAT/State CETs
Post Graduate Certificate in Management (PGCM) -
International Post Graduate Diploma (IPGD) -
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