ISBM, Bangalore



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What is the Fee Structure at ISB&M?

The fee structure of ISBM for different courses is given below. 

Course Total tuition Fees
PGDM ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Marketing ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Finance ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Human Resource Management ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Business Analytics ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
(only for Engineers)
₹7.6 lakh

The students at ISBM have to follow the following schedule to pay their course fee:

Installment and Date Amount
I Installment at time of Admission ₹1,10,000
II Installment April 21, 2022 ₹1,47,500
III Installment Nov 10, 2022 ₹1,47,500
IV Installment June 15, 2023 ₹1,47,500
V Installment Nov 10, 2023 ₹1,47,500

What are the scholarship programmes at ISBM Bangalore?

In order to get a scholarship at ISBM, a student has to meet all criteria in the following table:

Exam Qualifying Criteria Amount
CAT, XAT 80 percentile ₹1,50,000
12th class 85%
Graduation 70% marks or equivalent CGPA
1st Trimester of PGDM Programme 4.5 CGPA

43 - ISBM Fees

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What is the Fee Structure at ISB&M?

The fee structure of ISBM for different courses is given below. 

Course Total tuition Fees
PGDM ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Marketing ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Finance ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Human Resource Management ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Business Analytics ₹7.6 lakh
PGDM in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
(only for Engineers)
₹7.6 lakh

The students at ISBM have to follow the following schedule to pay their course fee:

Installment and Date Amount
I Installment at time of Admission ₹1,10,000
II Installment April 21, 2022 ₹1,47,500
III Installment Nov 10, 2022 ₹1,47,500
IV Installment June 15, 2023 ₹1,47,500
V Installment Nov 10, 2023 ₹1,47,500

What are the scholarship programmes at ISBM Bangalore?

In order to get a scholarship at ISBM, a student has to meet all criteria in the following table:

Exam Qualifying Criteria Amount
CAT, XAT 80 percentile ₹1,50,000
12th class 85%
Graduation 70% marks or equivalent CGPA
1st Trimester of PGDM Programme 4.5 CGPA

Loans Options for ISBM

Students at Indian School of Business Management and Administration (ISBM) can obtain education loans from several online portals and approved banks. For this, you need to arrange the necessary paperwork and submit a timely application. 

Loan Options for Students at ISB&M:

  • West Bengal Student Credit Card (WBSCC)
  • Vidya Lakshmi

A loan shouldn’t come between you and your academic goals. That’s why institutions like Propelld assist students in obtaining educational loans, that too, with no collateral security amount involved (in most cases). This helps students get access to 100% student-friendly loans.

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