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KIIT College of Engineering Placement

With all 22 of its MCA students placed, KIIT College of Engineering has succeeded in reaching 100% success in its first year of operation. The institute maintains tight ties with businesses, sectors, and hiring firms. It also makes it easier for students to receive training in other organizations. The KIIT training and placement cell is responsible for the excellent outcome. A full-time Training and Placement Officer (TPO) is another member of the placement cell staff

KIIT College of Engineering Job Prospects

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KIIT College of Engineering Placement

With all 22 of its MCA students placed, KIIT College of Engineering has succeeded in reaching 100% success in its first year of operation. The institute maintains tight ties with businesses, sectors, and hiring firms. It also makes it easier for students to receive training in other organizations. The KIIT training and placement cell is responsible for the excellent outcome. A full-time Training and Placement Officer (TPO) is another member of the placement cell staff

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