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KMCT Dental College Summary

KMCT Dental College is located in Kozhikode, Kerala. The institution offers full-time degree programs. Faculty members at KMCT Dental College are well educated and offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees, such as BDS and MDS. Students can choose from courses offered by the institute in one major stream: medicine and health sciences. Students can choose from a variety of courses at KMCT Dental College at reasonable costs. The cost is designed to make education easily accessible and to give qualified students the chance to advance their knowledge and expertise in the fields in which they are interested.

About KMCT Dental College

In 2006, KMCT College was founded. Membership in the KMCT Group of Institutions is held by this college. The goal of KMCT Dental College is to turn out highly skilled medical professionals who will use their training to give the community the best care possible. This college offers trainings to the students in order to refine their abilities and make them better medical professionals. It has well-equipped medical and dentistry labs. The college also encourages dentistry's research and development facets.

KMCT Dental College Faculty

Name Title Department
Dr. Mohammed Sadique Professor
Dr. Elsy P Simon Professor
Dr. Prasanth Dhanapal.T Professor Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Dr. C. Pradeep Kumar Professor Department of Prosthodontics
Dr. M.A Abdul Gafoor Professor Department of Prosthodontics
Dr. Binu Purushothaman Lecturer Department of Orthodontics
Dr. Ida Ann Thampy Lecturer Department of Orthodontics

KMCT Dental College Facilities

KMCT College provides students with adequate infrastructure, including well-equipped laboratories, indoor and outdoor sports facilities, banks, and internet access for both educational and recreational purposes. The college also offers separate residential accommodations for boys and girls, each with its own mess, ensuring a comfortable living environment. Additionally, KMCT operates a fully equipped dental clinic since 2005, allowing students to gain practical experience in dentistry. The college features dental museums showcasing charts and instruments, along with dental material labs where students can familiarize themselves with the equipment used in the field.

Contact Details of KMCT Dental College

  • 0495- 2290690
  • Mampatta, Manassery PO MukkamKozhikode - 673602Kerala, India

KMCT Dental College Info

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KMCT Dental College Summary

KMCT Dental College is located in Kozhikode, Kerala. The institution offers full-time degree programs. Faculty members at KMCT Dental College are well educated and offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees, such as BDS and MDS. Students can choose from courses offered by the institute in one major stream: medicine and health sciences. Students can choose from a variety of courses at KMCT Dental College at reasonable costs. The cost is designed to make education easily accessible and to give qualified students the chance to advance their knowledge and expertise in the fields in which they are interested.

About KMCT Dental College

In 2006, KMCT College was founded. Membership in the KMCT Group of Institutions is held by this college. The goal of KMCT Dental College is to turn out highly skilled medical professionals who will use their training to give the community the best care possible. This college offers trainings to the students in order to refine their abilities and make them better medical professionals. It has well-equipped medical and dentistry labs. The college also encourages dentistry's research and development facets.

KMCT Dental College Faculty

Name Title Department
Dr. Mohammed Sadique Professor
Dr. Elsy P Simon Professor
Dr. Prasanth Dhanapal.T Professor Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Dr. C. Pradeep Kumar Professor Department of Prosthodontics
Dr. M.A Abdul Gafoor Professor Department of Prosthodontics
Dr. Binu Purushothaman Lecturer Department of Orthodontics
Dr. Ida Ann Thampy Lecturer Department of Orthodontics

KMCT Dental College Facilities

KMCT College provides students with adequate infrastructure, including well-equipped laboratories, indoor and outdoor sports facilities, banks, and internet access for both educational and recreational purposes. The college also offers separate residential accommodations for boys and girls, each with its own mess, ensuring a comfortable living environment. Additionally, KMCT operates a fully equipped dental clinic since 2005, allowing students to gain practical experience in dentistry. The college features dental museums showcasing charts and instruments, along with dental material labs where students can familiarize themselves with the equipment used in the field.

Contact Details of KMCT Dental College

  • 0495- 2290690
  • Mampatta, Manassery PO MukkamKozhikode - 673602Kerala, India
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