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Loyola College

Tamil Nadu

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Loyola College Courses and Fees

Loyola College offers a variety of courses in Medicine & Health Sciences, Business & Management Studies, IT & Software, and more. The institution provides 54 courses and has been recognized by NIRF, India Today, Outlook-ICARE, and The Week. Some of the popular courses include B.Sc., M.Sc., MCA, and BCA.

Loyola College Fee Structure

Course Fees Eligibility
B.Sc (8 Courses) ₹14,700 - 48,940 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
M.Sc (11 Courses) ₹14,070 - 96,130 (1st Year Fees) Graduation
BCA ₹54,930 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
B.Com (4 Courses) ₹15,980 - 84,700 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
BA (9 Courses) ₹11,100 - 21,760 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
BBA ₹53,250 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
B.Com (Hons.) ₹84,700 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
M.Com ₹14,830 (1st Year Fees) Graduation
B.Voc (3D Animation Visual Effects) ₹31,100 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
MA (8 Courses) ₹12,330 - 30,130 (1st Year Fees) Graduation

Hostel Fees

Room Detail Amount per 10 Months (INR)
Single Occupancy Room (only for Research Scholars) 1,24,350
Three Occupancy Room 1,05,850
Four Occupancy Room 1,04,350
Five Occupancy Room 1,03,050

Loyola College Fees

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Loyola College Courses and Fees

Loyola College offers a variety of courses in Medicine & Health Sciences, Business & Management Studies, IT & Software, and more. The institution provides 54 courses and has been recognized by NIRF, India Today, Outlook-ICARE, and The Week. Some of the popular courses include B.Sc., M.Sc., MCA, and BCA.

Loyola College Fee Structure

Course Fees Eligibility
B.Sc (8 Courses) ₹14,700 - 48,940 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
M.Sc (11 Courses) ₹14,070 - 96,130 (1st Year Fees) Graduation
BCA ₹54,930 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
B.Com (4 Courses) ₹15,980 - 84,700 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
BA (9 Courses) ₹11,100 - 21,760 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
BBA ₹53,250 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
B.Com (Hons.) ₹84,700 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
M.Com ₹14,830 (1st Year Fees) Graduation
B.Voc (3D Animation Visual Effects) ₹31,100 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
MA (8 Courses) ₹12,330 - 30,130 (1st Year Fees) Graduation

Hostel Fees

Room Detail Amount per 10 Months (INR)
Single Occupancy Room (only for Research Scholars) 1,24,350
Three Occupancy Room 1,05,850
Four Occupancy Room 1,04,350
Five Occupancy Room 1,03,050
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What is the fee structure for UG and PG courses at Loyola College?

The fee structure varies depending on the course and specialization. Generally, UG courses have a lower fee range compared to PG programs. Specific details can be checked on the official website or admission brochure.

Are there any additional charges apart from the tuition fee?

Yes, students may have to pay additional charges such as examination fees, laboratory fees, hostel fees (if applicable), and other miscellaneous charges. Some of these fees are one-time payments, while others are recurring.

Does Loyola College offer any fee concessions or scholarships?

Yes, Loyola College provides scholarships and fee concessions to meritorious and economically weaker students. Eligible candidates can apply for financial assistance based on academic performance and need-based criteria.

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