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Maharaja Agrasen Business School


#81 out of 200 in India

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Maharaja Agrasen Business School Placement

The Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) of Maharaja Agrasen Business School helps students with their placement process. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge and training for their chosen occupations, the CRC plays a significant part in assisting students in finding employment. The centralised placement cell of MATES is dedicated to assisting students in locating employment prospects by means of knowledgeable faculty members and a robust industry network.The Maharaja Agrasen Business School's Corporate Resource Centre has been putting up a lot of effort to plan workshops, interactive sessions, and events with industry professionals from many fields and industries. The CRC offers career counseling services, resume writing services, GD skills, interview skills, aptitude testing, leadership presentations, industry tours, and public speaking training.

Maharaja Agrasen Business School Job Prospects

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Maharaja Agrasen Business School Placement

The Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) of Maharaja Agrasen Business School helps students with their placement process. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge and training for their chosen occupations, the CRC plays a significant part in assisting students in finding employment. The centralised placement cell of MATES is dedicated to assisting students in locating employment prospects by means of knowledgeable faculty members and a robust industry network.The Maharaja Agrasen Business School's Corporate Resource Centre has been putting up a lot of effort to plan workshops, interactive sessions, and events with industry professionals from many fields and industries. The CRC offers career counseling services, resume writing services, GD skills, interview skills, aptitude testing, leadership presentations, industry tours, and public speaking training.

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