Naran Lala School Of Industrial Management & Computer Science

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Naran Lala School Of Industrial Management & Computer Science


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Naran Lala School of Industrial Management and Computer Science Admission

Naran Lala School of Industrial Management and Computer Science admissions are based on merit. Candidates are evaluated based on their scores in the last qualifying examination. The institute offers an MBA/PGDM course affiliated with Gujarat Technological University. Applicants can apply online through the official website or visit the admission office for offline admission.

Application Process

  1. Visit the official website of Naran Lala School of Industrial Management and Computer Science and go to the admissions section
  2. Fill out the online application form with the required details
  3. Upload the necessary documents as per the admission guidelines
  4. Submit the application form and pay the prescribed application fee
  5. The institution evaluates applications based on merit in the last qualifying examination
  6. Shortlisted candidates will be notified about further admission procedures
  7. Candidates can also visit the admission office for offline application submission

Documents Required

  1. Mark sheets and certificates of the last qualifying examination
  2. Transfer Certificate (TC) from the previous institution
  3. Character Certificate issued by the last attended institution
  4. Migration Certificate for students from other boards or universities
  5. Government-issued photo ID proof (Aadhar Card, PAN Card, or Passport)
  6. Passport-size photographs as per admission guidelines
  7. Category Certificate (if applicable)
  8. Domicile Certificate (if required by the institution)
  9. Fee payment receipt for application processing
  10. Any other documents specified by the institution

Naran Lala School Of Industrial Management & Computer Science Admission

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Naran Lala School of Industrial Management and Computer Science Admission

Naran Lala School of Industrial Management and Computer Science admissions are based on merit. Candidates are evaluated based on their scores in the last qualifying examination. The institute offers an MBA/PGDM course affiliated with Gujarat Technological University. Applicants can apply online through the official website or visit the admission office for offline admission.

Application Process

  1. Visit the official website of Naran Lala School of Industrial Management and Computer Science and go to the admissions section
  2. Fill out the online application form with the required details
  3. Upload the necessary documents as per the admission guidelines
  4. Submit the application form and pay the prescribed application fee
  5. The institution evaluates applications based on merit in the last qualifying examination
  6. Shortlisted candidates will be notified about further admission procedures
  7. Candidates can also visit the admission office for offline application submission

Documents Required

  1. Mark sheets and certificates of the last qualifying examination
  2. Transfer Certificate (TC) from the previous institution
  3. Character Certificate issued by the last attended institution
  4. Migration Certificate for students from other boards or universities
  5. Government-issued photo ID proof (Aadhar Card, PAN Card, or Passport)
  6. Passport-size photographs as per admission guidelines
  7. Category Certificate (if applicable)
  8. Domicile Certificate (if required by the institution)
  9. Fee payment receipt for application processing
  10. Any other documents specified by the institution
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