Shyam Shah Medical College Courses and Fees

The fees at Shyam Shah Medical College vary between Rs 119333 and Rs 358000 per year based on the level, duration and specialization of the program. The college offers a total of 23 courses across Diploma, PG and UG levels. Specifically at the UG level students can pursue 1 course in MBBS and 1 course in BDS. For those at the PG level there are 11 specializations available in MD and 5 in MS Surgery. Admissions for the academic year 2024 25 are now open at Shyam Shah Medical College. The college conducts the MP NEET for admissions and also accepts scores from NEET PG, NEET and JIPMER.

Shyam Shah Medical College Fees Structure

Course Fees Eligibility Application Date
MBBS ₹1.22 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) 10+2 with 50% + NEET 9 Feb - 20 Aug 2024
Diploma (3 Courses) ₹74,000 (1st Year Fees) - -
M.D (14 Courses) ₹1.23 Lakhs - 1.24 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) Graduation with 50% + NEET PG -
M.S (3 Courses) ₹1.24 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) Graduation -
M.S (2 Courses) ₹1.24 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) Graduation - Get College Loan with Propelld Take low-interest study loans with Propelld for your college fees

Shyam Shah Medical College Hostel Fees Structure

Hostel Fee
SSMC Rewa Hostel For Male ₹12,000 - ₹18,000
SSMC Rewa Hostel For Female ₹12,000 - ₹18,000

Shyam Shah Medical College Fees

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Shyam Shah Medical College Courses and Fees

The fees at Shyam Shah Medical College vary between Rs 119333 and Rs 358000 per year based on the level, duration and specialization of the program. The college offers a total of 23 courses across Diploma, PG and UG levels. Specifically at the UG level students can pursue 1 course in MBBS and 1 course in BDS. For those at the PG level there are 11 specializations available in MD and 5 in MS Surgery. Admissions for the academic year 2024 25 are now open at Shyam Shah Medical College. The college conducts the MP NEET for admissions and also accepts scores from NEET PG, NEET and JIPMER.

Shyam Shah Medical College Fees Structure

Course Fees Eligibility Application Date
MBBS ₹1.22 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) 10+2 with 50% + NEET 9 Feb - 20 Aug 2024
Diploma (3 Courses) ₹74,000 (1st Year Fees) - -
M.D (14 Courses) ₹1.23 Lakhs - 1.24 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) Graduation with 50% + NEET PG -
M.S (3 Courses) ₹1.24 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) Graduation -
M.S (2 Courses) ₹1.24 Lakhs (1st Year Fees) Graduation - Get College Loan with Propelld Take low-interest study loans with Propelld for your college fees

Shyam Shah Medical College Hostel Fees Structure

Hostel Fee
SSMC Rewa Hostel For Male ₹12,000 - ₹18,000
SSMC Rewa Hostel For Female ₹12,000 - ₹18,000

What is the fee structure for the MBBS program at Shyam Shah Medical College?

The annual fee for the MBBS program at Shyam Shah Medical College typically ranges from INR 60,000 to 1,00,000. This includes tuition fees, examination fees, and other associated charges.

Are there additional costs beyond the tuition fees?

Yes, additional costs may include hostel accommodation fees, laboratory fees, library fees, and other miscellaneous expenses. Students should budget for these additional costs.

What are the hostel fees at Shyam Shah Medical College?

Hostel fees at Shyam Shah Medical College generally range from INR 15,000 to 30,000 per year, depending on the type of accommodation and facilities provided.

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