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Adichunchanagiri University



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Adichunchanagiri University FAQs

Is PB B.Sc Nursing available in this college? If yes, what is the qualification?

PB B.Sc or Post Basic B.Sc for Nursing is available in the college. This is a course that Nursing students who have completed General Nursing and Midwifery(GNM). It is a 2 year course. GNM doesn’t have as much scope as B.Sc Nursing. This course may help students for a better career.

Can I apply for a part-time Ph.D course?

The University does allow part-time Ph.D programmes. The duration of a part-time programme is 4 years. They can extend it upto 7 years on the recommendation of the Doctorate Advisory Committee.

What is the fee for the MBBS program at Adichunchanagiri University?

The fee for the MBBS program is INR 1.13 LPA.

What is the fee for the Diploma program at Adichunchanagiri University?

The fee for the Diploma program is INR 3.95 LPA.

Does Adichunchanagiri University offer any scholarships?

Yes, the University provides various scholarship schemes to Meritorious students like ACU Ph.D. Scholarship scheme.

What is the qualification for B.Ed?

The student should have passed in B.A. or B.Sc to apply for this course with an aggregate marks of 50% for the general category and 45% for the reserved category. The first semester of the course is 16 weeks long and the second semester is 22 weeks long. A graduate degree is necessary to apply for the course.

Adichunchanagiri University FAQs

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Adichunchanagiri University FAQs

Is PB B.Sc Nursing available in this college? If yes, what is the qualification?

PB B.Sc or Post Basic B.Sc for Nursing is available in the college. This is a course that Nursing students who have completed General Nursing and Midwifery(GNM). It is a 2 year course. GNM doesn’t have as much scope as B.Sc Nursing. This course may help students for a better career.

Can I apply for a part-time Ph.D course?

The University does allow part-time Ph.D programmes. The duration of a part-time programme is 4 years. They can extend it upto 7 years on the recommendation of the Doctorate Advisory Committee.

What is the fee for the MBBS program at Adichunchanagiri University?

The fee for the MBBS program is INR 1.13 LPA.

What is the fee for the Diploma program at Adichunchanagiri University?

The fee for the Diploma program is INR 3.95 LPA.

Does Adichunchanagiri University offer any scholarships?

Yes, the University provides various scholarship schemes to Meritorious students like ACU Ph.D. Scholarship scheme.

What is the qualification for B.Ed?

The student should have passed in B.A. or B.Sc to apply for this course with an aggregate marks of 50% for the general category and 45% for the reserved category. The first semester of the course is 16 weeks long and the second semester is 22 weeks long. A graduate degree is necessary to apply for the course.

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