When was Aditya Dental College and Hospital established?

Aditya Dental College and Hospital was established in 2006.

What is the intake capacity of students at Aditya Dental College and Hospital?

The intake capacity of the college is 100 students.

Is Aditya Dental College and Hospital recognized by the Government of India?

Yes, the college is recognized by the Government of India.

Which body has approved Aditya Dental College and Hospital?

The college is approved by the Dental Council of India.

Which university is Aditya Dental College and Hospital affiliated with?

It is affiliated with Maharashtra University.

What course is offered by Aditya Dental College and Hospital?

The college offers a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) program.

What facilities are provided to students at Aditya Dental College and Hospital?

The college provides modern tools, equipment, and audio-visual aids for practical learning.

How does Aditya Dental College and Hospital emphasize practical learning?

The college organizes practical demos and provides access to tools and equipment to enhance practical knowledge.

How many books and journals are available in the college library?

The library has around 2000 books, magazines, and journals.

Where is Aditya Dental College and Hospital located?

The college is located in Beed, Maharashtra.

What is the basis of admission at Aditya Dental College?

Admission at Aditya Dental College is merit-based for both UG and PG programs.

How many courses does Aditya Dental College offer?

The institution offers a total of 5 courses, primarily in the field of Medicine & Health Sciences.

What are some popular courses offered at Aditya Dental College?

At the UG level, BDS is a popular course, while MDS is offered at the PG level.

What are the tuition fees for UG courses at Aditya Dental College?

The total tuition fees for UG courses is INR 1,848,415.

Aditya Dental College and Hospital FAQs

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When was Aditya Dental College and Hospital established?

Aditya Dental College and Hospital was established in 2006.

What is the intake capacity of students at Aditya Dental College and Hospital?

The intake capacity of the college is 100 students.

Is Aditya Dental College and Hospital recognized by the Government of India?

Yes, the college is recognized by the Government of India.

Which body has approved Aditya Dental College and Hospital?

The college is approved by the Dental Council of India.

Which university is Aditya Dental College and Hospital affiliated with?

It is affiliated with Maharashtra University.

What course is offered by Aditya Dental College and Hospital?

The college offers a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) program.

What facilities are provided to students at Aditya Dental College and Hospital?

The college provides modern tools, equipment, and audio-visual aids for practical learning.

How does Aditya Dental College and Hospital emphasize practical learning?

The college organizes practical demos and provides access to tools and equipment to enhance practical knowledge.

How many books and journals are available in the college library?

The library has around 2000 books, magazines, and journals.

Where is Aditya Dental College and Hospital located?

The college is located in Beed, Maharashtra.

What is the basis of admission at Aditya Dental College?

Admission at Aditya Dental College is merit-based for both UG and PG programs.

How many courses does Aditya Dental College offer?

The institution offers a total of 5 courses, primarily in the field of Medicine & Health Sciences.

What are some popular courses offered at Aditya Dental College?

At the UG level, BDS is a popular course, while MDS is offered at the PG level.

What are the tuition fees for UG courses at Aditya Dental College?

The total tuition fees for UG courses is INR 1,848,415.

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