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Azeezia Dental College Summary

The Azeezia Dental College has a varied number of devoted and qualified Professors, and lectures to instruct and teach the students of the college for both dental and medical subjects. The faculty is well qualified and has earned various degrees and recognition in the field of dentistry and medicine. They are in the college to provide education from the syllabus in theory as well as practical subjects and along with that to impart ethical values is one of their aims. The college offers fully furnished classrooms equipped with the latest technologies and provides seminar hall to organize lectures and conferences. The college aims at imparting education with a healing touch which asks to be devoted towards the nation and the patients. The students are also taught to work with the team as part of the syllabus. The students are educated from the point of diagnosis of the problem of the patient to the treatment given to treat the patient.

Azeezia Dental College Highlights

Year of Establishment 2004
Intake of Students 100 per year
Recognition by Dental Council of India and Government of India
Hostel (Boys) 300
Hostel (Girls) 500
Affiliated to University of Kerala
Area of the Campus 50 acre
How to Reach 18 km from Kollam city

About Azeezia Dental College

Azeezia College of Medical Sciences and Research, located in Kollam, Kerala, is a renowned institute offering a variety of UG and PG programs, including MBBS, BDS, MD, MDS, and MS. The college provides full-time, DCI, and NMC-approved courses in the field of Medicine and Health Sciences. With an intake capacity of 241 seats, the institute is equipped with experienced faculty to guide students in their careers. It also boasts excellent infrastructure to support the academic and professional growth of its students.

Azeezia Dental College Faculty

Name Designation
Dr. Radhakrishnan Nair Professor
Dr. Cheriyan K.P. Professor
Dr. Joseph Edward Professor
R. Santhosh Babu Professor
Dr. Milan Yogaraj Lecturer

Contact Details of Azeezia Dental College

  • 0474-2722350
  • Meeyannoor P.O Kollam Kerala

Azeezia Dental College Info

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Azeezia Dental College Summary

The Azeezia Dental College has a varied number of devoted and qualified Professors, and lectures to instruct and teach the students of the college for both dental and medical subjects. The faculty is well qualified and has earned various degrees and recognition in the field of dentistry and medicine. They are in the college to provide education from the syllabus in theory as well as practical subjects and along with that to impart ethical values is one of their aims. The college offers fully furnished classrooms equipped with the latest technologies and provides seminar hall to organize lectures and conferences. The college aims at imparting education with a healing touch which asks to be devoted towards the nation and the patients. The students are also taught to work with the team as part of the syllabus. The students are educated from the point of diagnosis of the problem of the patient to the treatment given to treat the patient.

Azeezia Dental College Highlights

Year of Establishment 2004
Intake of Students 100 per year
Recognition by Dental Council of India and Government of India
Hostel (Boys) 300
Hostel (Girls) 500
Affiliated to University of Kerala
Area of the Campus 50 acre
How to Reach 18 km from Kollam city

About Azeezia Dental College

Azeezia College of Medical Sciences and Research, located in Kollam, Kerala, is a renowned institute offering a variety of UG and PG programs, including MBBS, BDS, MD, MDS, and MS. The college provides full-time, DCI, and NMC-approved courses in the field of Medicine and Health Sciences. With an intake capacity of 241 seats, the institute is equipped with experienced faculty to guide students in their careers. It also boasts excellent infrastructure to support the academic and professional growth of its students.

Azeezia Dental College Faculty

Name Designation
Dr. Radhakrishnan Nair Professor
Dr. Cheriyan K.P. Professor
Dr. Joseph Edward Professor
R. Santhosh Babu Professor
Dr. Milan Yogaraj Lecturer

Contact Details of Azeezia Dental College

  • 0474-2722350
  • Meeyannoor P.O Kollam Kerala
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