Gian Sagar Medical College in Patiala provides excellent medical courses delivered by a team of skilled instructors and equipped with modern facilities. The institution is well known for its undergraduate MBBS programs in the field of medicine.
Gian Sagar Medical College in Patiala provides excellent medical courses delivered by a team of skilled instructors and equipped with modern facilities. The institution is well known for its undergraduate MBBS programs in the field of medicine.
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The fee bracket for programs offered by the Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital is approximately INR 1575000 - INR 1950000.
Yes, additional costs may include hostel fees, laboratory fees, library fees, and other miscellaneous expenses. Students should prepare for these additional costs.
Hostel fees usually range from INR 30,000 to 50,000 per year, depending on the type of accommodation and facilities provided.