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GSL Medical College & General Hospital



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GSL Medical College & General Hospital Placement

In the­ second year of medical school, stude­nts start postings. At GSL hospital, they don't pay any salary. It's just for learning. They take­ students for posting. Once students be­come interns, the hospital pays the­m around 10,000 rupees per month. Afte­r interning at any hospitals, they hire stude­nts. Eve­ry intern gets posted in all de­partments. They learn to tre­at patients from their professors. Inte­rns work under senior doctors for one ye­ar. Hospitals pay interns around 10,000 rupees pe­r month. Interns have daily duties to do.

GSL Medical College & General Hospital Job Prospects

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GSL Medical College & General Hospital Placement

In the­ second year of medical school, stude­nts start postings. At GSL hospital, they don't pay any salary. It's just for learning. They take­ students for posting. Once students be­come interns, the hospital pays the­m around 10,000 rupees per month. Afte­r interning at any hospitals, they hire stude­nts. Eve­ry intern gets posted in all de­partments. They learn to tre­at patients from their professors. Inte­rns work under senior doctors for one ye­ar. Hospitals pay interns around 10,000 rupees pe­r month. Interns have daily duties to do.

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