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GSL Medical College & General Hospital



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About GSL Medical College Admission

GSL Medical College is a premier private medical institution recognized by the Medical Council of India and affiliated with Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences in Vijayawada. The college offers MBBS and MS programs across various departments, including Anesthesiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Dermatology, Community Medicine, Dentistry, ENT, Forensic Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery, Microbiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pathology, Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Physiology, Radiology, and Tuberculosis & Chest.

Applicants for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses at GSL Medical College must submit their applications online. Candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with Biology are eligible to apply for the MBBS program. Admissions to the MBBS program are made through counseling after EAMCET and NEET examinations.

Admission Process of  GSL Medical College 2024

  1. Visit the official website of AP PG Medical Admissions.
  2. Select Candidate Registration link under the Online Applications section at the home page.
  3. Enter NEET rank, Date of Birth and mobile number for registration.
  4. After successful registration login to fill the details.
  5. Click on Save & Exit button after completing the details.
  6. Proceed to pay the application fee.
  7. Application fee is INR 3500.
  8. Application fee can be paid online through Net Banking, Credit/ Debit cards.
  9. Candidates must present original as well as scanned copies of following documents at the time of document verification and admissions confirmation:
    1. NEET PG score card
    2. NEET PG hall ticket
    3. Date of Birth proof
    4. MBBS mark sheet
    5. Caste certificate
    6. Internship certificate
    7. MCI registration Certificate

GSL Medical College MBBS Admission 2024

The Gandhi Me­dical College offers a four-ye­ar MBBS program for students who have complete­d their 12th grade or pre-unive­rsity exams with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as mandatory subjects. To apply, candidate­s must have a minimum aggregate score­ of 45%. Admissions are granted through counseling se­ssions held at the university le­vel, based on the applicant's pe­rformance in state or national-leve­l medical entrance e­xams such as the Engineering, Archite­cture and Medical Common Entrance Te­st (EAMCET) or the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET).

Course Intake Eligibility Selection Procedure
MBBS 200 Passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as compulsory subjects with minimum 45% marks/ Pre Professional Exam/ B.Sc with not less than two subjects among Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Biotechnology Engineering, Architecture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET)/ National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET)

Key Points:

  1. Applicants belonging to General category must be born between May 8, 1993 and January 1, 2002.
  2. Age criteria are relaxed up to five years for candidates belonging to reserved categories.
  3. Seat will be distributed according to following criteria:
Category Basis/ Qualification Seats
A. EAMCET 50% (100)
B. NEET 35% (70)
C. NRI Quota 15% (30)

GSL Medical College MD Admission 2024

The university offe­rs MD in 25 specializations for students who have comple­ted their MBBS from an educational institute­ recognized by the Me­dical Council of India. One-year medical inte­rnship is a must for admissions. Students get admission based on the­ir rank in the national level me­dical entrance exam- NEET PG and unive­rsity level counseling. To get an MD admission, students ne­ed to have an MBBS degre­e from a recognized institute­. They also need to comple­te one year of me­dical internship. Admissions happen through counseling afte­r NEET PG exam ranks are out. The 25 MD specializations offere­d at the postgraduate leve­l include common branches like Me­dicine, Surgery

Course Specialization Intake Eligibility Selection Procedure
MD General Medicine 20 MBBS with at least one-year internship National Eligibility cum Entrance Test PG (NEET PG) followed by counselling
Radio diagnosis12
General Surgery14

Key Points:

  1. Merit list of the qualifying candidates will be displayed on the website on May 13, 2021.
  2. Candidates will have to appear for document verification on May 14 to May 15, 2021.

GSL Medical College and General Hospital, Andhra Pradesh NEET Counselling Cutoff 2023

GSL Medical College and General Hospital, Andhra Pradesh NEET Counselling Cutoff 2023 for BCB Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for Andhra Pradesh NEET Counselling is 88431 for round 1.

Course 2023 Cutoff By Rank 2022 Cutoff By Rank
M.B.B.S. 88431 85778

GSL Medical College and General Hospital, NEET SS Cutoff 2023

GSL Medical College and General Hospital, NEET SS Cutoff 2023 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for NEET SS is 118 for round 1.

Course 2023 Cutoff By Rank 2022 Cutoff By Rank 2021 Cutoff By Rank
M.Ch Reproductive Medicine 118 373 80
Medical Oncology - - 276

GSL Medical College & General Hospital Admission

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About GSL Medical College Admission

GSL Medical College is a premier private medical institution recognized by the Medical Council of India and affiliated with Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences in Vijayawada. The college offers MBBS and MS programs across various departments, including Anesthesiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Dermatology, Community Medicine, Dentistry, ENT, Forensic Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery, Microbiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pathology, Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Physiology, Radiology, and Tuberculosis & Chest.

Applicants for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses at GSL Medical College must submit their applications online. Candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with Biology are eligible to apply for the MBBS program. Admissions to the MBBS program are made through counseling after EAMCET and NEET examinations.

Admission Process of  GSL Medical College 2024

  1. Visit the official website of AP PG Medical Admissions.
  2. Select Candidate Registration link under the Online Applications section at the home page.
  3. Enter NEET rank, Date of Birth and mobile number for registration.
  4. After successful registration login to fill the details.
  5. Click on Save & Exit button after completing the details.
  6. Proceed to pay the application fee.
  7. Application fee is INR 3500.
  8. Application fee can be paid online through Net Banking, Credit/ Debit cards.
  9. Candidates must present original as well as scanned copies of following documents at the time of document verification and admissions confirmation:
    1. NEET PG score card
    2. NEET PG hall ticket
    3. Date of Birth proof
    4. MBBS mark sheet
    5. Caste certificate
    6. Internship certificate
    7. MCI registration Certificate

GSL Medical College MBBS Admission 2024

The Gandhi Me­dical College offers a four-ye­ar MBBS program for students who have complete­d their 12th grade or pre-unive­rsity exams with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as mandatory subjects. To apply, candidate­s must have a minimum aggregate score­ of 45%. Admissions are granted through counseling se­ssions held at the university le­vel, based on the applicant's pe­rformance in state or national-leve­l medical entrance e­xams such as the Engineering, Archite­cture and Medical Common Entrance Te­st (EAMCET) or the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET).

Course Intake Eligibility Selection Procedure
MBBS 200 Passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as compulsory subjects with minimum 45% marks/ Pre Professional Exam/ B.Sc with not less than two subjects among Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Biotechnology Engineering, Architecture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET)/ National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET)

Key Points:

  1. Applicants belonging to General category must be born between May 8, 1993 and January 1, 2002.
  2. Age criteria are relaxed up to five years for candidates belonging to reserved categories.
  3. Seat will be distributed according to following criteria:
Category Basis/ Qualification Seats
A. EAMCET 50% (100)
B. NEET 35% (70)
C. NRI Quota 15% (30)

GSL Medical College MD Admission 2024

The university offe­rs MD in 25 specializations for students who have comple­ted their MBBS from an educational institute­ recognized by the Me­dical Council of India. One-year medical inte­rnship is a must for admissions. Students get admission based on the­ir rank in the national level me­dical entrance exam- NEET PG and unive­rsity level counseling. To get an MD admission, students ne­ed to have an MBBS degre­e from a recognized institute­. They also need to comple­te one year of me­dical internship. Admissions happen through counseling afte­r NEET PG exam ranks are out. The 25 MD specializations offere­d at the postgraduate leve­l include common branches like Me­dicine, Surgery

Course Specialization Intake Eligibility Selection Procedure
MD General Medicine 20 MBBS with at least one-year internship National Eligibility cum Entrance Test PG (NEET PG) followed by counselling
Radio diagnosis12
General Surgery14

Key Points:

  1. Merit list of the qualifying candidates will be displayed on the website on May 13, 2021.
  2. Candidates will have to appear for document verification on May 14 to May 15, 2021.

GSL Medical College and General Hospital, Andhra Pradesh NEET Counselling Cutoff 2023

GSL Medical College and General Hospital, Andhra Pradesh NEET Counselling Cutoff 2023 for BCB Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for Andhra Pradesh NEET Counselling is 88431 for round 1.

Course 2023 Cutoff By Rank 2022 Cutoff By Rank
M.B.B.S. 88431 85778

GSL Medical College and General Hospital, NEET SS Cutoff 2023

GSL Medical College and General Hospital, NEET SS Cutoff 2023 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for NEET SS is 118 for round 1.

Course 2023 Cutoff By Rank 2022 Cutoff By Rank 2021 Cutoff By Rank
M.Ch Reproductive Medicine 118 373 80
Medical Oncology - - 276
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