Sam Global University, Bhopal has an active placement cell dedicated to helping students secure jobs in prestigious organisations with competitive salary packages. The placement cell offers various training programmes, including workshops, seminars, and industrial visits, to enhance students' knowledge and skill sets. Additionally, the placement department facilitates internship opportunities with reputed companies, providing valuable exposure to the corporate world. Over the years, Sam Global University has successfully placed numerous students in leading organisations such as Amazon, Mahindra, Vertex, Reliance, and many others.
Sam Global University, Bhopal has an active placement cell dedicated to helping students secure jobs in prestigious organisations with competitive salary packages. The placement cell offers various training programmes, including workshops, seminars, and industrial visits, to enhance students' knowledge and skill sets. Additionally, the placement department facilitates internship opportunities with reputed companies, providing valuable exposure to the corporate world. Over the years, Sam Global University has successfully placed numerous students in leading organisations such as Amazon, Mahindra, Vertex, Reliance, and many others.
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