Indian Institute of Logistics FAQS

Is Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai a good college/Institute?

Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai is a well-known institution for MBA/PGDM, BBA, B.Com, B.Sc, UG Diploma courses. These programs are delivered by highly experienced faculty. As per Shiksha's verified reviews, Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai has a rating of 3.88 on the basis of Shiksha-verified reviews by students. Not just this, it has also been rated 3.52 on Campus Life, 4.08 on Placements, 4.3 on Faculty and 3.83 on Infrastructure.

Which courses does Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai offer?

Indian : Institute of Logistics, Chennai provides programmes including MBA/PGDM, BBA, B.Com, B.Sc, UG Diploma in streams such as Business & Management Studies, and are excellent for students to build their careers. The institute has specializations in Transport & Logistics, Supply Chain, IT & Systems.

What is the fees range for courses offered by the Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai?

The fees range for courses offered by the Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai is around INR 42600 - INR 525000.

How is the faculty at Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai?

Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai has been rated 4.3 for Faculty as per the Shiksha verified reviews by students. This represents that the Institute has decent, qualified and experienced faculty members.

How are placements for MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai college?

Based on the reviews provided, it appears that the placements of the Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai are generally positive. The majority of reviewers mentioned that the college provides proper placement assistance and that many students received job offers with decent salary packages. Some reviewers specifically highlighted the international internship opportunities available through the college's partnerships in Dubai, which seem to have been beneficial for their career prospects. However, it is worth noting that one reviewer stated that the placement rate was "fairly good, " indicating that not all students may have secured immediate employment upon graduation.

Which companies generally recruit from Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai?

Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai offers placement support to its students. Notable organisations that visit the institute for recruitment include Bottle Lab Technology Pvt Ltd (Smartq), Best Veal Reletras Pvt Ltd, Skyscraper Engineering, Archeesh Laboratories Hyderabad India, Perfect Metaprint Industries, Shiva Mahindra Auto Car India Pvt Ltd, Axis Bank Collection Agency, Bharat Creation Pvt Ltd.

How is the placement facility at Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai?

As per verified reviews, Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai has an impressive review rating of 4.08 by 18 students.

What specialisations do Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai offer in their courses?

Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai is a good institution for MBA/PGDM, BBA, B.Com, B.Sc, UG Diploma courses, and these programs are delivered by highly experienced faculty. Major specialisation at Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai are Transport & Logistics, Supply Chain, IT & Systems.

When was the college , IIL , Chennai established ?

IIL , Chennai was established in the year 2007.

Is IIL Chennai recognised by the UGC?

Yes, IIL Chennai is recognised by the UGC.

Indian Institute of Logistics FAQS

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Indian Institute of Logistics FAQS

Is Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai a good college/Institute?

Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai is a well-known institution for MBA/PGDM, BBA, B.Com, B.Sc, UG Diploma courses. These programs are delivered by highly experienced faculty. As per Shiksha's verified reviews, Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai has a rating of 3.88 on the basis of Shiksha-verified reviews by students. Not just this, it has also been rated 3.52 on Campus Life, 4.08 on Placements, 4.3 on Faculty and 3.83 on Infrastructure.

Which courses does Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai offer?

Indian : Institute of Logistics, Chennai provides programmes including MBA/PGDM, BBA, B.Com, B.Sc, UG Diploma in streams such as Business & Management Studies, and are excellent for students to build their careers. The institute has specializations in Transport & Logistics, Supply Chain, IT & Systems.

What is the fees range for courses offered by the Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai?

The fees range for courses offered by the Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai is around INR 42600 - INR 525000.

How is the faculty at Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai?

Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai has been rated 4.3 for Faculty as per the Shiksha verified reviews by students. This represents that the Institute has decent, qualified and experienced faculty members.

How are placements for MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai college?

Based on the reviews provided, it appears that the placements of the Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai are generally positive. The majority of reviewers mentioned that the college provides proper placement assistance and that many students received job offers with decent salary packages. Some reviewers specifically highlighted the international internship opportunities available through the college's partnerships in Dubai, which seem to have been beneficial for their career prospects. However, it is worth noting that one reviewer stated that the placement rate was "fairly good, " indicating that not all students may have secured immediate employment upon graduation.

Which companies generally recruit from Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai?

Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai offers placement support to its students. Notable organisations that visit the institute for recruitment include Bottle Lab Technology Pvt Ltd (Smartq), Best Veal Reletras Pvt Ltd, Skyscraper Engineering, Archeesh Laboratories Hyderabad India, Perfect Metaprint Industries, Shiva Mahindra Auto Car India Pvt Ltd, Axis Bank Collection Agency, Bharat Creation Pvt Ltd.

How is the placement facility at Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai?

As per verified reviews, Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai has an impressive review rating of 4.08 by 18 students.

What specialisations do Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai offer in their courses?

Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai is a good institution for MBA/PGDM, BBA, B.Com, B.Sc, UG Diploma courses, and these programs are delivered by highly experienced faculty. Major specialisation at Indian Institute of Logistics, Chennai are Transport & Logistics, Supply Chain, IT & Systems.

When was the college , IIL , Chennai established ?

IIL , Chennai was established in the year 2007.

Is IIL Chennai recognised by the UGC?

Yes, IIL Chennai is recognised by the UGC.

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