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Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Summary

The Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences located in Andhra Pradesh is one of the few medical schools established by the Kamineni Education Society. The name of the Institute and the Society honors its founder Sri Kamineni Suryanarayana. The Societys vision is to create an institution that meets global standards and provides people with top notch healthcare solutions at an affordable price. The institutions goal is to position itself as the leading institute in delivering knowledge in the field of Medical Science. Additionally the College places importance on serving rural communities that face challenges in accessing dental education.

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Highlights

Parameter Description
Establishment Year 2002
Accreditation NAAC (A grade)
Campus Strength 532
Student Intake Per Year 100
Campus Area 9.66 acres
Average Passing Index 83%
Total Faculty Members 55
Total Books 7367
Sports and Cultural Events 12

About Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences situated in Nalgonda, Telangana provides undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Medicine and Health Sciences. These programs include specialisations such as Prosthodontics, Periodontology, Orthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine and Radiology and Oral Pathology. The BDS and MDS courses are among the offerings of the institute. Students can pursue this program on a basis. The tuition fees for the Medicine and Health Sciences courses at Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences range from INR 1,80,000 to INR 15,45,000. The institutes infrastructure creates a conducive learning environment for students.

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Faculty

Title Name Department
Professor Dr. S. Vidya Sagar Department of Periodontics

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Facilities

The college has hostels for boys and girls to provide students with a comfortable place to stay. Theres also a health center on campus that offers first aid services. The library is centrally air conditioned and holds a vast collection of more than 9180 books on dentistry, medicine and related health sciences. It also features 66 foreign and 19 Indian journals worth around ₹3.2 crores. Although no new books were added this year due to budget limitations the libraries yearly budget is set at ₹40 lakhs. Furthermore the college provides sports facilities a robust IT system and a cafeteria serving both staff and students.

Contact Details of Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences

  • 08682-272429
  • Reepuram, Narketpally Nalgonda - 508254 Telangana, India

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Info

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Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Summary

The Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences located in Andhra Pradesh is one of the few medical schools established by the Kamineni Education Society. The name of the Institute and the Society honors its founder Sri Kamineni Suryanarayana. The Societys vision is to create an institution that meets global standards and provides people with top notch healthcare solutions at an affordable price. The institutions goal is to position itself as the leading institute in delivering knowledge in the field of Medical Science. Additionally the College places importance on serving rural communities that face challenges in accessing dental education.

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Highlights

Parameter Description
Establishment Year 2002
Accreditation NAAC (A grade)
Campus Strength 532
Student Intake Per Year 100
Campus Area 9.66 acres
Average Passing Index 83%
Total Faculty Members 55
Total Books 7367
Sports and Cultural Events 12

About Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences situated in Nalgonda, Telangana provides undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Medicine and Health Sciences. These programs include specialisations such as Prosthodontics, Periodontology, Orthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine and Radiology and Oral Pathology. The BDS and MDS courses are among the offerings of the institute. Students can pursue this program on a basis. The tuition fees for the Medicine and Health Sciences courses at Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences range from INR 1,80,000 to INR 15,45,000. The institutes infrastructure creates a conducive learning environment for students.

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Faculty

Title Name Department
Professor Dr. S. Vidya Sagar Department of Periodontics

Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences Facilities

The college has hostels for boys and girls to provide students with a comfortable place to stay. Theres also a health center on campus that offers first aid services. The library is centrally air conditioned and holds a vast collection of more than 9180 books on dentistry, medicine and related health sciences. It also features 66 foreign and 19 Indian journals worth around ₹3.2 crores. Although no new books were added this year due to budget limitations the libraries yearly budget is set at ₹40 lakhs. Furthermore the college provides sports facilities a robust IT system and a cafeteria serving both staff and students.

Contact Details of Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences

  • 08682-272429
  • Reepuram, Narketpally Nalgonda - 508254 Telangana, India
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