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R D Gardi Medical College Summary

Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College, a prestigious higher education institution, offers a range of UG and PG degree programs, including MBBS, MD, and MS, focused on Medicine and Health Sciences. These full-time programs are approved by the NMC and delivered by skilled faculty in diverse fields such as Biochemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, General Medicine, Anaesthesia, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Pharmacology, Radiology, Pediatrics, Pathology, Microbiology, Community Medicine, Orthopaedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and General Surgery. The college provides 257 seats at reasonable fees ranging from INR 4,050,000, ensuring access to top-notch education and excellent infrastructure to support students' learning and development.

R D Gardi Medical College Highlights

Particulars Details
Established in 2001
Institute type Private
Affiliation Vikram University
Approved By MCI
Courses offered UG & PG
Basic Admission Criteria Online
Application mode Online
Official Website

About R D Gardi Medical College

A private medical institution called R D Gardi Medical institution (RDGMC) was founded in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, in 2001. Vikram University, Ujjain is associated with it, and it has received approval from MCI. The college provides postgraduate MD and MS programs in addition to undergraduate MBBS. Only national level entrance exams are used to determine admission to the courses.

R D Gardi Medical College Faculty

Title Name Department
Associate Professor Prof. A.K.Babar Anaesthesia
Associate Professor Dr. Namit Garg Physiology
Associate Professor Dr. Saket Kale Community Medicine
Associate Professor Dr. Anurag Kesarwani Biochemistry
Associate Professor Dr. Monica Shringirishi Psychiatry
Associate Professor Dr. Kirti Hemwani Microbiology
Professor & HOD Dr. Manish Patil Anatomy

R D Gardi Medical College Facilities

The RD Gardi Medical College in Ujjain's infrastructure and amenities are developed to give students a comprehensive educational experience. Pre-clinical and para-clinical departments as well as an administrative wing are housed in the medical college building. There are academic offices, labs, presentation spaces, and a museum in each department at RDGMC. A gym, internet access, a library, state-of-the-art labs, and more are available at RDGMC Ujjain. In addition to their regular coursework, students have access to a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Contact Details of R D Gardi Medical College

  • +91-7368- 261235
  • Agar Road,Village Surasa, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

R D Gardi Medical College Info

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R D Gardi Medical College Summary

Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College, a prestigious higher education institution, offers a range of UG and PG degree programs, including MBBS, MD, and MS, focused on Medicine and Health Sciences. These full-time programs are approved by the NMC and delivered by skilled faculty in diverse fields such as Biochemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, General Medicine, Anaesthesia, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Pharmacology, Radiology, Pediatrics, Pathology, Microbiology, Community Medicine, Orthopaedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and General Surgery. The college provides 257 seats at reasonable fees ranging from INR 4,050,000, ensuring access to top-notch education and excellent infrastructure to support students' learning and development.

R D Gardi Medical College Highlights

Particulars Details
Established in 2001
Institute type Private
Affiliation Vikram University
Approved By MCI
Courses offered UG & PG
Basic Admission Criteria Online
Application mode Online
Official Website

About R D Gardi Medical College

A private medical institution called R D Gardi Medical institution (RDGMC) was founded in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, in 2001. Vikram University, Ujjain is associated with it, and it has received approval from MCI. The college provides postgraduate MD and MS programs in addition to undergraduate MBBS. Only national level entrance exams are used to determine admission to the courses.

R D Gardi Medical College Faculty

Title Name Department
Associate Professor Prof. A.K.Babar Anaesthesia
Associate Professor Dr. Namit Garg Physiology
Associate Professor Dr. Saket Kale Community Medicine
Associate Professor Dr. Anurag Kesarwani Biochemistry
Associate Professor Dr. Monica Shringirishi Psychiatry
Associate Professor Dr. Kirti Hemwani Microbiology
Professor & HOD Dr. Manish Patil Anatomy

R D Gardi Medical College Facilities

The RD Gardi Medical College in Ujjain's infrastructure and amenities are developed to give students a comprehensive educational experience. Pre-clinical and para-clinical departments as well as an administrative wing are housed in the medical college building. There are academic offices, labs, presentation spaces, and a museum in each department at RDGMC. A gym, internet access, a library, state-of-the-art labs, and more are available at RDGMC Ujjain. In addition to their regular coursework, students have access to a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Contact Details of R D Gardi Medical College

  • +91-7368- 261235
  • Agar Road,Village Surasa, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh
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