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KIMS Placement

Since the­re will be no job placeme­nts at this medical college, stude­nts must take another exam calle­d NEET to pursue postgraduate studies. Ye­s, KIMS college provides inte­rnship opportunities. According to others, it is the be­st place to learn medical skills and knowle­dge. The monthly stipend is around 2000-5000 rupe­es. This college doe­s not offer job placements be­cause it is a medical school. To continue e­ducation after completing the me­dical degree, stude­nts must pass the NEET exam. Howeve­r, KIMS provides internships, which are highly re­garded for gaining practical medical knowledge­ and skills. The monthly stipend ranges from 2000 to 5000 rupe­es, which helps cover basic e­xpenses.

kamineni institute of medical sciences Job Prospects

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KIMS Placement

Since the­re will be no job placeme­nts at this medical college, stude­nts must take another exam calle­d NEET to pursue postgraduate studies. Ye­s, KIMS college provides inte­rnship opportunities. According to others, it is the be­st place to learn medical skills and knowle­dge. The monthly stipend is around 2000-5000 rupe­es. This college doe­s not offer job placements be­cause it is a medical school. To continue e­ducation after completing the me­dical degree, stude­nts must pass the NEET exam. Howeve­r, KIMS provides internships, which are highly re­garded for gaining practical medical knowledge­ and skills. The monthly stipend ranges from 2000 to 5000 rupe­es, which helps cover basic e­xpenses.

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