The Madurai School of Management, located in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, operates under the auspices of the Sarvavidya Educational and Public Charitable Trust (SEPCT). This private institution, which was established in 2011, is affiliated with Anna University and has received approval from the AICTE. Madurai School of Management offers an MBA program and, in addition, provides more than ten scholarships for its students. MSM has been developed in the villages of Thathampatti and Kulasekarankottai, aiming to create opportunities and foster academic growth among individuals. The college offers study options that include both On-Campus and Full mode formats. However, the specific details of each program may vary, which is something prospective students should consider.
The Madurai School of Management (MSM), an affiliated institution, commenced its operations in 2012 in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. This (notably compact) institute occupies an area of 1.09 acres and is accredited by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Since its inception, MSM has fostered a specialized educational environment, offering solely one postgraduate degree in Business Administration. As of now, there are 28 students enrolled, thus ensuring that each student receives a personal touch. The policy regarding quality education at MSM is underpinned by its robust infrastructure and courses that are relevant to the market.
The college possesses a library (which serves) as a vital resource for students. Additionally, it offers sports facilities accessible to all students; however, the scope of these amenities is noteworthy. The institution also boasts an excellent IT infrastructure facility designed to support the students' educational pursuits. Moreover, there is an auditorium that caters to events and seminars, providing an ideal venue for such gatherings. The college features a canteen facility that serves both staff and students, fostering a sense of community. Furthermore, there is a boy's hostel facility, which ensures good accommodation for male students.
The Madurai School of Management, located in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, operates under the auspices of the Sarvavidya Educational and Public Charitable Trust (SEPCT). This private institution, which was established in 2011, is affiliated with Anna University and has received approval from the AICTE. Madurai School of Management offers an MBA program and, in addition, provides more than ten scholarships for its students. MSM has been developed in the villages of Thathampatti and Kulasekarankottai, aiming to create opportunities and foster academic growth among individuals. The college offers study options that include both On-Campus and Full mode formats. However, the specific details of each program may vary, which is something prospective students should consider.
The Madurai School of Management (MSM), an affiliated institution, commenced its operations in 2012 in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. This (notably compact) institute occupies an area of 1.09 acres and is accredited by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Since its inception, MSM has fostered a specialized educational environment, offering solely one postgraduate degree in Business Administration. As of now, there are 28 students enrolled, thus ensuring that each student receives a personal touch. The policy regarding quality education at MSM is underpinned by its robust infrastructure and courses that are relevant to the market.
The college possesses a library (which serves) as a vital resource for students. Additionally, it offers sports facilities accessible to all students; however, the scope of these amenities is noteworthy. The institution also boasts an excellent IT infrastructure facility designed to support the students' educational pursuits. Moreover, there is an auditorium that caters to events and seminars, providing an ideal venue for such gatherings. The college features a canteen facility that serves both staff and students, fostering a sense of community. Furthermore, there is a boy's hostel facility, which ensures good accommodation for male students.
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