Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research FAQs

Is the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research a private institution or a government?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research is a private institution.

What course is offered at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research offers MBBS, MD/MS and Fellowship Programs.

How many seats are allocated to students at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research offers admission to 191 seats.

What are the facilities available at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The facilities available at Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research are a hostel, library, canteen, lecture hall and sports ground.

What is the course fee for MD/MS in Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The course fee for MD/MS in Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research is INR 10,746,99 – INR 46,746,99.

Does the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research have an anti-ragging committee?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research provides an anti-ragging committee for the safety of its students.

What are the selection criteria for the Fellowship program at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The selection criteria for the Fellowship program at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research are based on the guidelines of MUHS.

Which entrance examination must an individual clear for admission to the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

An individual need to clear NEET UG and NEET PG for admission to the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research.

Does the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research provide any form of scholarship to students?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research provides financial aid to deserving and meritorious students.

What is the duration of the MBBS course at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The duration of the MBBS course at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research is 5.5 years.

What are the specialised disciples offered in MD/MS program at Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The specialised disciplines offered in MD/MS program at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research are Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Community Medicine and General Medicine.

What documents are submitted at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The documents submitted at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research are as follows:

  • Application Form
  • NEET Admit Card
  • NEET Rank Card
  • NEET Score Card
  • Allotment Letter by DMER
  • SSC Marks sheet
  • SSC Passing Certificate
  • HSC Marks sheet
  • MBBS Marks sheet
  • MBBS Passing Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Income Certificate
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Aadhar Card

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research FAQs

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Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research FAQs

Is the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research a private institution or a government?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research is a private institution.

What course is offered at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research offers MBBS, MD/MS and Fellowship Programs.

How many seats are allocated to students at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research offers admission to 191 seats.

What are the facilities available at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The facilities available at Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research are a hostel, library, canteen, lecture hall and sports ground.

What is the course fee for MD/MS in Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The course fee for MD/MS in Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research is INR 10,746,99 – INR 46,746,99.

Does the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research have an anti-ragging committee?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research provides an anti-ragging committee for the safety of its students.

What are the selection criteria for the Fellowship program at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The selection criteria for the Fellowship program at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research are based on the guidelines of MUHS.

Which entrance examination must an individual clear for admission to the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

An individual need to clear NEET UG and NEET PG for admission to the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research.

Does the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research provide any form of scholarship to students?

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research provides financial aid to deserving and meritorious students.

What is the duration of the MBBS course at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The duration of the MBBS course at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research is 5.5 years.

What are the specialised disciples offered in MD/MS program at Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The specialised disciplines offered in MD/MS program at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research are Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Community Medicine and General Medicine.

What documents are submitted at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research?

The documents submitted at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research are as follows:

  • Application Form
  • NEET Admit Card
  • NEET Rank Card
  • NEET Score Card
  • Allotment Letter by DMER
  • SSC Marks sheet
  • SSC Passing Certificate
  • HSC Marks sheet
  • MBBS Marks sheet
  • MBBS Passing Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Income Certificate
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Aadhar Card
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