Founded in 2000, VidyaBharathi Group of Institutions is registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act of 1955 and operates under the corporate umbrella of the Falcon Group of Companies, promoted by a distinguished team of NRIs. Over the years, VidyaBharathi has established itself as a premier institution for management development in India, offering specialized programs in fields such as Accounting, Finance, Logistics, Shipping & Air Cargo Logistics, Hotel Management, IATA Aviation, Travel & Tourism, Airline and Airport Management, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Law, and Commerce. In partnership with various government agencies, the institute also provides job-oriented training and skill development programs across its campuses.
Founded in 2000, VidyaBharathi Group of Institutions is registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act of 1955 and operates under the corporate umbrella of the Falcon Group of Companies, promoted by a distinguished team of NRIs. Over the years, VidyaBharathi has established itself as a premier institution for management development in India, offering specialized programs in fields such as Accounting, Finance, Logistics, Shipping & Air Cargo Logistics, Hotel Management, IATA Aviation, Travel & Tourism, Airline and Airport Management, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Law, and Commerce. In partnership with various government agencies, the institute also provides job-oriented training and skill development programs across its campuses.
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