XAT Syllabus Section wise, Important Dates, Topics & Weightage

Shailesh Jain
Updated On:
Mar 4, 2025

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Preparing for the XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) can be challenging due to its unique structure and sections. Defined by XLRI Jamshedpur, the XAT Syllabus 2025 includes Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation, Decision Making, Verbal & Logical Ability, and General Knowledge, with essay writing reintroduced in 2023.

This guide will break down each section of the XAT syllabus, highlight key topics, and recommend resources to help you prepare effectively.

XAT Syllabus 2025: An Overview

The Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT), conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur, is a vital examination for MBA aspirants. The following table provides detailed highlights of the XAT exam, including dates, format, and other essential information. For more details, visit the XAT official website.

Aspects XAT Syllabus Details
Exam Name Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT)
Conducted By XLRI Jamshedpur
Level of Exam National
Exam Frequency Once a year
Exam Mode Online
Duration of XAT Exam 210 minutes (175 minutes for Part 1, 5 minutes for Part 2, and 30 minutes for Part 3)
XAT Exam Pattern 100 questions in MCQ format + 1 essay
XAT Exam Syllabus
  • Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation
  • Decision Making
  • Verbal & Logical Ability
  • General Knowledge
  • Essay Writing
Language English
Exam Fees INR 2,200 (all categories)
Number of Candidates 1.35 lakhs (approximately)
Admissions XLRI and other XAT-affiliated institutes
Courses MBA/PGDM
No. of Test Cities 72
Exam Helpdesk No. 1800-209-0835
Exam Website XAT Online

Let’s check the detailed XAT Exam syllabus.

XAT Syllabus 2025: Section-Wise Topics

Understanding and mastering these topics is essential for a well-rounded preparation strategy. Regular practice and a systematic study plan will help you excel in each section of the XAT exam. 

A. XAT Exam Syllabus: Verbal and Logical Ability

Salient Features XAT Syllabus Details
Verbal Ability Includes questions on English vocabulary like fill-in-the-blanks, synonyms, antonyms, sentence correction, and use of the right words.
Reading Comprehension Forms about 50% of the VALR paper. Topics can include politics, economics, social awareness, literature, or abstract themes. Requires good reading and analytical skills.
Logical Reasoning 4-5 questions based on critical reasoning and analytical reasoning.

Points to Note:

  1. The exam consists of 26 objective-type questions.
  2. It is suggested to allocate approximately 50 minutes to complete the exam, with no sectional time limit.
  3. The difficulty level of the questions ranges from moderate to high.
  4. A good attempt would be answering 18-20 questions.

Important Topics from Verbal & Logical Ability

Topics Subtopics
Grammar Error correction
Culture The contextual meaning of words
Economy Para completion and para jumble
Psychology and Social Issues Critical Reasoning
Literature and fiction Narration of Incidents
Science Arguments
Vocabulary (Antonyms and Synonyms)

B. XAT Exam Syllabus: Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

Salient Features XAT Syllabus Details
Quantitative Ability Covers a wide range of math topics, including Numbers, Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry. Significant changes in focus have been observed, with these areas becoming more prominent. Mensuration, Venn diagrams, and other number-based topics are also important.
Data Interpretation Major topics include data tables, graphs, charts, bar diagrams, and data analysis & comparison. Questions are typically asked in sets, requiring strong data analysis skills.

Points to Note:

  1. The exam consists of 28 questions.
  2. It is suggested to aim to spend no more than 2 minutes and 17 seconds per question, with no sectional time limit.
  3. The questions in this section have the highest difficulty level among all sections.
  4. A good attempt would be 4-5 questions for Data Interpretation (DI) and 13-15 questions for Quantitative Ability (QA).

Important Topics from XAT Quant Syllabus and DI Syllabus

Topics Subtopics
Geometry Data Interpretation – Table, Combination
Mensuration (2D and 3D) Graphs
Probability Statistics
Algebra (Functions) Tables
Profit and Loss Trigonometry
Speed & Distance Arithmetic
Quadratic Equations Heights & Distance
Linear Equations Direction Sense & Time
Logarithms Clocks
Surds and Indices Complex Numbers

C. XAT Exam Syllabus: Decision-Making

Salient Features XAT Syllabus Details
Syllabus Decision-making in a situation, data arrangement tests, etc.
Number of Questions 22
Difficulty Level Moderate
Duration No sectional time limit
Good Attempt Answering 16 – 17 questions will be a good attempt

Important Topics for Decision-Making

Analytical Reasoning Arithmetic
Conditions and Grouping Test Situational
Reading Comprehension Data Arrangement Test
Decision-making in a Situation Caselets

D. XAT Exam Syllabus: General Knowledge

Salient Features XAT Syllabus Details
Topics Covered History, Politics, Author Names, Business, Economy, Current Affairs (National and International)
Number of Questions 25
Difficulty Level Moderate
GK vs Current Affairs Expected breakup of 60:40 for General Knowledge and Current Affairs, respectively
Good Attempt Answering 12 – 14 questions will be a good attempt

Important Topics from General Knowledge

Nation and States
Awards and Recognitions
International Relations
Merger & Acquisitions

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Let's now take a look at the XAT exam pattern to get you familiar with its structure.

XAT Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The XAT will be divided into specific sections, each with a set number of questions and time limits. The key highlights of the XAT Question Paper, Exam Pattern, and Syllabus are outlined below:

Part Section Number of Questions Topics Time Limit
Part 1 Verbal and Logical Ability 26 Critical and Analytical Reasoning, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Logical Deductions 175 minutes
Decision Making 22 Caselet Study, Data Arrangement, Decision Making in a Given Scenario, Ethical Dilemma
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 28 Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Number System, Arithmetic
Part 2 Mock Keyboard Testing - - 5 minutes
Part 3 General Knowledge 25 Static GK and Current Affairs 30 minutes
Essay 1 -

Changes in XAT Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2025

  1. Scoring: +1 mark for each correct answer; -0.25 marks for each incorrect answer.
  2. Unanswered Questions: After 8 unanswered questions, 0.10 marks will be deducted for each additional unanswered question.
  3. The Essay will only be evaluated for candidates who are shortlisted for the Personal Interview (PI) round.
  4. The maximum number of questions in the exam is 101.
  5. There is no negative marking for General Knowledge questions in Part 3.

Wondering about the key dates and schedule for XAT 2025? Check the next section for the same.

XAT Syllabus 2025: Exam Dates & Schedule

The XAT exam schedule provides a clear timeline of important events leading up to the XAT 2025 exam. Make sure to stay updated with official announcements for any changes to the tentative dates. 

Here’s a detailed schedule for the XAT 2025 exam:

Dates Upcoming Exam Dates
October 2024 XAT Mock Test by XLRI (Tentative)
December 2024 XAT 2025 Admit Card Download Starts (Tentative)
05 January 2025 XAT 2025 Exam
January 2025 XAT 2025 Response Sheet Release (Tentative)
January 2025 XAT 2025 Result (Tentative)
January 2025 XAT 2025 Cut-Offs Release (Tentative)

Now, let's make sure you're eligible to appear for the XAT Exam 2025!

XAT Syllabus 2025: Eligibility Criteria 2025

To be eligible for the XAT 2025 exam and subsequent admissions to XAMI (XLRI Associate Member Institutes) member colleges and other B-schools accepting XAT scores, candidates must meet the following criteria:

Criteria Details
Educational Qualification A three-year bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in any discipline from a recognized university.
Final Year Students Candidates in their final year or awaiting results can apply but must submit their degree certificate and mark sheet by the end of the admission year.
Minimum Score Requirement Some institutions may require a minimum of 50% in graduation (45% for reserved categories).
Age Limit No upper age limit; both fresh graduates and working professionals are eligible.

Ready to submit your application and pay the fees? Next up are the details.

XAT Syllabus 2025: Exam Fees

Registering for the XAT 2025 exam involves a mandatory, non-refundable application fee. The fee structure is consistent across categories, with additional costs for XLRI program registrations. 

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the XAT exam fees and payment methods.

Category XAT Exam Fees
Unreserved Category Students INR 2,200 (+ INR 200 for an additional XLRI program)
Reserved Category Students INR 2,200 (+ INR 200 for an additional XLRI program)
Additional Registration Fee for XLRI Jamshedpur INR 200

Mode of Payment

Candidates can pay the application fee through an online payment gateway by the following methods: 

  1. Cash Cards
  2. Mobile Wallets
  3. Debit Cards (RuPay, Visa, Mastercard, or Maestro)
  4. Credit Cards
  5. Net Banking.

Click here to learn the key dates, top colleges, and how to apply for XAT 2025!

If you are confused about what books to get you started on your preparation journey, we have a curated list for you.

XAT Syllabus 2025: Best Books for XAT 2025 Preparation

Books are crucial for effective preparation for the XAT exam, providing structured guidance and practice materials aligned with the latest syllabus. 

Here are some recommended books for each section of the XAT exam:

Section Recommended Books Details
Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation "How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT" by Arun Sharma A comprehensive guide focusing on quantitative aptitude and data interpretation, ideal for building a strong foundation.
"Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT" by Nitish K. Sinha Detailed coverage of quantitative topics with practice exercises tailored for CAT and similar exams.
"Quantitative Aptitude" by Gautam Puri Covers essential quantitative skills and data interpretation techniques necessary for competitive exams.
"Wiley's ExamXpert XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test)" by Wiley India Provides practice questions and solutions specifically designed for the XAT exam.
Comprehensive "Jabbing the XAT Mock Tests & Solved Papers" by R K Jha Includes a range of mock tests and solved papers to help candidates familiarise themselves with the exam format and improve problem-solving skills.
"Target XAT (Past Papers + 5 Mock Tests)" by Disha Experts A complete resource with past papers and mock tests to aid in intensive preparation and self-assessment.
Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning "Verbal Ability Comprehension for CAT/XAT/IIFT/CMAT/MAT" by Bharat Patodi and Aditya Choudhary Focuses on verbal ability and comprehension, offering practice questions and strategies for these key areas.
"How to Prepare for VARC for CAT" by Arun Sharma A detailed guide on preparing for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), useful for XAT as well.
"Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning" by R S Aggarwal Covers both verbal and non-verbal reasoning, providing a wide range of practice problems and techniques.
General Knowledge "Objective General Knowledge" by Lucent’s A well-rounded book covering various general knowledge topics, including current affairs and static GK.
"General Knowledge" by Arihant Offers extensive coverage of general knowledge topics, with a focus on current affairs and important events.

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No need to stress about the college cut-off anymore. These are the expected cut-offs you need to hit for 2025. 

XAT Syllabus 2025: Expected XAT 2025 Cut-Offs and Accepting Colleges

The official cut-off for XAT 2025 is yet to be announced, but based on previous trends and analyses, here's a preview of what to expect. For top-tier B-Schools, the cut-offs are anticipated to fall within the following ranges:

XAT Cut-Off for Top Colleges

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Expected Cut-Offs for PGDM HRM

Category VALR DM QA Overall
Male Engineering 90 75 75 93
Male Non-Engineering 90 75 70 90
Female Engineering 90 75 65 91
Female Non-Engineering 90 75 60 88

Expected Cut-Offs for PGDM BM

Category VALR DM QA Overall
Male Engineering 75 75 85 95
Male Non-Engineering 75 75 85 95
Female Engineering 75 75 80 92
Female Non-Engineering 75 75 80 92

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XAT Syllabus 2025: Selection Process for XAT

For candidates aspiring to join institutions that come under XAT, like XLRI Jamshedpur, understanding the selection process is essential.

Here’s an in-depth look at theXAT 2024 selection process:

1. Shortlisting Based on XAT Scores

Candidates who meet the minimum XAT 2024 cut-off are shortlisted for further rounds. They need to fill out an application form and book their slot for the Personal Interview (PI) on the official XLRI website.

2. Group Discussion (GD)

In the GD round, candidates are divided into groups of 8-10. Each group is given a topic to discuss. Evaluators assess candidates on their viewpoints, leadership, communication, and decision-making skills.

3. Personal Interview (PI)

The PI is typically conducted online and focuses on evaluating a candidate’s personality, confidence, business knowledge, problem-solving skills, and awareness of current affairs.

4. Preparation of Final Merit List

The final merit list is prepared based on XAT scores (60% weightage), GD/PI scores (25% weightage), and Essay & General Knowledge (GK) section scores, along with past academic performance and work experience.

Finally, let's make sure you have all your documents in order.

XAT Syllabus 2025: Counselling Documents Required

Here’s a detailed list of the essential documents you'll need for XAT 2024 counselling.

  1. Original counselling letter and photocopy
  2. XAT 2024 Admit Card
  3. XAT 2024 Scorecard
  4. Class 10th and 12th Mark Sheets
  5. Graduation Mark Sheet
  6. Caste Certificate (if applicable)
  7. PwD Certificate (if applicable)
  8. Medical documents
  9. 4-6 Passport Size Photographs (colour and black & white)

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XAT Syllabus 2025: Courses, Fees, and Seat Intake

XLRI offers a diverse range of management programs. This table provides a clear overview of the various programs offered by XLRI, along with their associated fees and seat availability.

Program Fee (INR lakhs) Seats
2 Years Full-Time Flagship PGDM (Business Management) 23.6 180
2 Years Full-Time PGDM (Human Resource Management) 23.6 180
PGDM (General Management Program) 20.95 120
Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) Not specified 15
Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EXEC-FPM) 10.18 30
Part-time & VIL (Virtual Interactive Learning) Certificate Program 1.60 Not specified

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Success hinges on understanding the syllabus, practising rigorously, and using the right resources. The exam tests not only your aptitude but also your decision-making and general awareness skills. Whether you're aiming for a top-tier B-school or enhancing your MBA prospects, a focused and well-rounded preparation strategy is essential for excelling in the XAT exam.

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FAQs About XAT Syllabus

What is the XAT exam?

The XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) is a national-level MBA entrance exam conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur for admission to various management programs.

When will XAT 2025 be held?

XAT 2025 is scheduled for January 5, 2025.

What is the duration of the XAT exam?

The XAT exam lasts for 210 minutes, divided into three parts.

How many questions are there in the XAT exam?

There are 100 MCQ questions and one essay in the XAT exam.

What is the XAT exam pattern and syllabus?

XAT exam pattern and syllabus include multiple-choice questions and an essay, with different sections focusing on specific skills. These are the sections:

  1. Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation
  2. Decision Making
  3. Verbal & Logical Ability
  4. General Knowledge
  5. Essay Writing

What is the marking scheme for the XAT exam?

Each correct answer scores a +1 mark, while each incorrect answer results in a -0.25 mark. No negative marking for unanswered questions after 8.

Are there any changes in the XAT exam pattern for 2025?

Yes, the essay will be evaluated only for candidates shortlisted for the Personal Interview (PI) round.

What are the eligibility criteria for the XAT exam?

Candidates must have a three-year bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, and final-year students can also apply.

What is the application fee for the XAT exam?

The application fee is INR 2,200, with an additional INR 200 for each extra XLRI program.

How can I pay the XAT exam fees?

Fees can be paid online via debit/credit cards, net banking, or mobile wallets.

How many seats are available for the PGDM (Business Management) program at XLRI?

There are 180 seats available for the PGDM (Business Management) program.

What is the fee structure for the Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EXEC-FPM) at XLRI?

The fee for the EXEC-FPM program is INR 10.18 lakhs.

What is the expected cut-off for XLRI Jamshedpur's PGDM (Human Resource Management) program?

The expected overall cut-off for the PGDM (HRM) program is around 93 percentile for Male Engineering candidates.

What are the key topics in the Verbal and Logical Ability section of XAT?

Key topics include Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, and Critical Reasoning.

What types of questions are asked in the Decision Making section of XAT?

The Decision Making section includes situational and case-based questions that assess your decision-making skills.

How is the General Knowledge section of XAT different from other sections?

The General Knowledge section tests awareness of current affairs and general knowledge with no negative marking.

What is the time allocation recommended for each section of the XAT exam?

For Verbal & Logical Ability, around 50 minutes; for Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation, 2 minutes per question; for Decision Making, no specific time limit; and for General Knowledge, 30 minutes.

What are the topics in the XAT Quant Syllabus?

The topics in the XAT Quant Syllabus are:

  1. Geometry
  2. Data Interpretation – Table, Combination
  3. Mensuration (2D and 3D)
  4. Graphs
  5. Probability
  6. Statistics
  7. Algebra (Functions)
  8. Tables
  9. Profit and Loss
  10. Trigonometry
  11. Speed & Distance
  12. Arithmetic
  13. Quadratic Equations
  14. Heights & Distance
  15. Linear Equations
  16. Direction Sense & Time
  17. Logarithms
  18. Clocks
  19. Surds and Indices
  20. Complex Numbers
  21. Statistics
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