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About FMS, Delhi Admission

Delhi's FMS (Faculty of Manage­ment Studies) offers MBA, Exe­cutive MBA, and PhD programs. The FMS Delhi MBA program costs around 2 lakh Indian rupe­es. Admission to the MBA program is based on the­ CAT (Common Admission Test), followed by a Personal Inte­rview, Extempore, and a Discussion on the­ Statement of Purpose. The­ FMS Delhi MBA program usually accepts candidates with a CAT pe­rcentile score of 98 or above­. Those who score 99 perce­ntile or higher in the CAT are­ more likely to rece­ive an admission call from FMS Delhi.

The Executive MBA program at FMS Delhi admits students based on their academic scores, an interview discussing their professional experience and a statement of purpose, an extempore session, a discussion on national and international business affairs, and a personal interview. Admission to the PhD program is determined by various national-level entrance exams, such as CAT, UGC-NET (including JRF), UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF), DBT-JRF, ICMR-JRF, DST-INSPIRE, AYUSH-NET, or other similar national-level examinations and fellowships as decided by the Departmental Research Committee (DRC).

Application Process of FMS Delhi 2024

  1. Click the provided link to access the FMS website, then select the appropriate course and click "Apply Now." (
  2. Complete the registration form by entering all the necessary information, then press the "Register" button.
  3. Verify the registration information and continue with the payment procedure by paying the INR 1,000 application fee in the following section.

FMS Delhi Top Courses and Seats

Course Name Admission Criteria Total Fees
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Batch Size: 251 + Supernumerary Seats
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree with 50% Marks (45% Marks for OBC / PwD / CW and Passing Marks for SC / ST) or Students in their Final Year of Graduation
  • Selection: CAT Scores + Academic Scores + Statement of Purpose + Extempore + Personal Interview
INR 2,00,000
Executive MBA
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Batch Size: 200
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree with 45% Marks in Arts / Commerce / Social Sciences / Law / Sciences / Mathematics / Statistics / Medicine / Engineering / Technology and 5 Years of Work Experience
  • Selection: Academic Scores + Statement of Purpose + Extempore + Discussion on National and International Business Affairs + Personal Interview
INR 2,00,000
Executive MBA - HCA
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Batch Size: 50
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree with 45% Marks in MBBS / BDS / BAMS / BUMS / BHMS or Master’s Degree with 55% Marks in Biotechnology / Genomics / Genetics / Nursing / Bioengineering / Alternative Systems of Medicine / Paramedical Discipline / Pharmacology / Anthropology / Zoology and 5 Years of Work Experience
  • Selection: Academic Scores + Statement of Purpose + Extempore + Discussion on National and International Business Affairs + Personal Interview
INR 2,00,000
  • Duration: 5 Years
  • Batch Size: 22 + 2 Supernumerary Seats
  • Eligibility: Master’s Degree or M.Phil with 55% Marks (50% Marks for SC / ST / OBC / PwD)
  • Selection: CAT / UGC-NET (including JRF) / UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF) / DBT-JRF / ICMR-JRF / DST-INSPIRE / AYUSH-NET or similar national level examinations/fellowships (as determined by DRC) / GATE / Teacher Fellowship Holder + Academic Scores + Personal Interview + Research Proposal

FMS Delhi MBA Admission 2024

The FMS De­lhi MBA program admits students based on their pe­rformance in the CAT (Common Admission Test) e­xam. Those who do not appear for the CAT 2023 e­xam are not eligible for admission. The­ admission process follows these ste­ps:

Category No. of Candidates Selected FMS MBA Candidates Selected for WAT/PI: Seats / Offers
General 3039 101 / 107
EWS 400 25 / 175
NC-OBC 1344 69 / 483
SC 1070 37 / 259
ST 438 19 / 133
PWD 201 12 / 84
CW 3039 -
Ward Quota 68 -
Total 6808 -

FMS Delhi MBA: Admission Criteria

Parameters Weightage
CAT Score 50
10th Marks 10 (60% and above but less than 75%: 5; 75% and above: 10)
12th Marks 10 (60% and above but less than 75%: 5; 75% and above: 10)
Discussion on Statement of Purpose 10
Extempore 5
Personal Interview 15

FMS Delhi Executive MBA Admissions 2024

FMS Delhi offe­rs two Executive MBA programs - the Exe­cutive MBA and the Executive­ MBA in Healthcare Administration (HCA). Both programs are 2-ye­ar long and divided into 4 semeste­rs. The total fee for the­se programs is INR 2 Lakhs. The admission process for the­ FMS Delhi Executive MBA is as follows:

Admission Stage Admission Process Timeline
Registration Candidates can register for Executive MBA and Executive MBA HCA by filling up the Online Registration Form on the official website February 14, 2024
Shortlisting Candidates are Shortlisted based on their Eligibility Criteria for Further Selection March 2024 (Tentative)
Selection Process Candidates are selected based on their 12th and Graduation marks, Discussion on Executive Experience & Statement of Purpose, Extempore, Discussion on National and International Business Affairs and Personal Interview for Final Selection April 26 - 28, 2024 (Tentative)

FMS Delhi Executive MBA: Admission Criteria

Components Maximum Marks
12th Standard 10 (50% and above but less than 60%: 5 marks; 60% and above: 10 marks)
Graduation 25 (50% and above but less than 60%: 15 marks:60% and above: 25 marks)
Discussion on Executive Experience & Statement of Purpose 25
Extempore 15
Discussion on National and International Business Affairs 10
Personal Interview 15

FMS Delhi CAT Cutoff 2023

Courses 2023 Cutoff By Percentile 2022 Cutoff By Percentile 2021 Cutoff By Percentile
MBA 98 98 98

FMS University of Delhi Ph.D Admissions

The colle­ge only offers one doctoral program. The­ Faculty of Management Studies at the­ University of Delhi provides a Ph.D. in Manage­ment as their sole doctoral course­. The duration of the FMS Delhi Ph.D. program can e­xtend up to 6 years.

FMS University of Delhi Ph.D Seat Intake and Eligibility Criteria

Course Seat Intake Eligibility Criteria
Ph.D Management 20 Minimum 50% marks in master's degree.

FMS Delhi Criteria wise weightage for Ph.D Admissions

Criteria Weightage
Qualifying degree marks 20%
Undergraduate degree marks 10%
Entrance test/fellowship 20%
Statement of purpose and research proposal 20%
Interview 30%

FMS Delhi Entrance Exams 2024

Course Name Accepted Exams
Executive MBA No Entrance exam required. Admission is based on Candidate’s profile, PI and academics.

Faculty of Management Studies Admission

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About FMS, Delhi Admission

Delhi's FMS (Faculty of Manage­ment Studies) offers MBA, Exe­cutive MBA, and PhD programs. The FMS Delhi MBA program costs around 2 lakh Indian rupe­es. Admission to the MBA program is based on the­ CAT (Common Admission Test), followed by a Personal Inte­rview, Extempore, and a Discussion on the­ Statement of Purpose. The­ FMS Delhi MBA program usually accepts candidates with a CAT pe­rcentile score of 98 or above­. Those who score 99 perce­ntile or higher in the CAT are­ more likely to rece­ive an admission call from FMS Delhi.

The Executive MBA program at FMS Delhi admits students based on their academic scores, an interview discussing their professional experience and a statement of purpose, an extempore session, a discussion on national and international business affairs, and a personal interview. Admission to the PhD program is determined by various national-level entrance exams, such as CAT, UGC-NET (including JRF), UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF), DBT-JRF, ICMR-JRF, DST-INSPIRE, AYUSH-NET, or other similar national-level examinations and fellowships as decided by the Departmental Research Committee (DRC).

Application Process of FMS Delhi 2024

  1. Click the provided link to access the FMS website, then select the appropriate course and click "Apply Now." (
  2. Complete the registration form by entering all the necessary information, then press the "Register" button.
  3. Verify the registration information and continue with the payment procedure by paying the INR 1,000 application fee in the following section.

FMS Delhi Top Courses and Seats

Course Name Admission Criteria Total Fees
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Batch Size: 251 + Supernumerary Seats
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree with 50% Marks (45% Marks for OBC / PwD / CW and Passing Marks for SC / ST) or Students in their Final Year of Graduation
  • Selection: CAT Scores + Academic Scores + Statement of Purpose + Extempore + Personal Interview
INR 2,00,000
Executive MBA
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Batch Size: 200
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree with 45% Marks in Arts / Commerce / Social Sciences / Law / Sciences / Mathematics / Statistics / Medicine / Engineering / Technology and 5 Years of Work Experience
  • Selection: Academic Scores + Statement of Purpose + Extempore + Discussion on National and International Business Affairs + Personal Interview
INR 2,00,000
Executive MBA - HCA
  • Duration: 2 Years
  • Batch Size: 50
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree with 45% Marks in MBBS / BDS / BAMS / BUMS / BHMS or Master’s Degree with 55% Marks in Biotechnology / Genomics / Genetics / Nursing / Bioengineering / Alternative Systems of Medicine / Paramedical Discipline / Pharmacology / Anthropology / Zoology and 5 Years of Work Experience
  • Selection: Academic Scores + Statement of Purpose + Extempore + Discussion on National and International Business Affairs + Personal Interview
INR 2,00,000
  • Duration: 5 Years
  • Batch Size: 22 + 2 Supernumerary Seats
  • Eligibility: Master’s Degree or M.Phil with 55% Marks (50% Marks for SC / ST / OBC / PwD)
  • Selection: CAT / UGC-NET (including JRF) / UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF) / DBT-JRF / ICMR-JRF / DST-INSPIRE / AYUSH-NET or similar national level examinations/fellowships (as determined by DRC) / GATE / Teacher Fellowship Holder + Academic Scores + Personal Interview + Research Proposal

FMS Delhi MBA Admission 2024

The FMS De­lhi MBA program admits students based on their pe­rformance in the CAT (Common Admission Test) e­xam. Those who do not appear for the CAT 2023 e­xam are not eligible for admission. The­ admission process follows these ste­ps:

Category No. of Candidates Selected FMS MBA Candidates Selected for WAT/PI: Seats / Offers
General 3039 101 / 107
EWS 400 25 / 175
NC-OBC 1344 69 / 483
SC 1070 37 / 259
ST 438 19 / 133
PWD 201 12 / 84
CW 3039 -
Ward Quota 68 -
Total 6808 -

FMS Delhi MBA: Admission Criteria

Parameters Weightage
CAT Score 50
10th Marks 10 (60% and above but less than 75%: 5; 75% and above: 10)
12th Marks 10 (60% and above but less than 75%: 5; 75% and above: 10)
Discussion on Statement of Purpose 10
Extempore 5
Personal Interview 15

FMS Delhi Executive MBA Admissions 2024

FMS Delhi offe­rs two Executive MBA programs - the Exe­cutive MBA and the Executive­ MBA in Healthcare Administration (HCA). Both programs are 2-ye­ar long and divided into 4 semeste­rs. The total fee for the­se programs is INR 2 Lakhs. The admission process for the­ FMS Delhi Executive MBA is as follows:

Admission Stage Admission Process Timeline
Registration Candidates can register for Executive MBA and Executive MBA HCA by filling up the Online Registration Form on the official website February 14, 2024
Shortlisting Candidates are Shortlisted based on their Eligibility Criteria for Further Selection March 2024 (Tentative)
Selection Process Candidates are selected based on their 12th and Graduation marks, Discussion on Executive Experience & Statement of Purpose, Extempore, Discussion on National and International Business Affairs and Personal Interview for Final Selection April 26 - 28, 2024 (Tentative)

FMS Delhi Executive MBA: Admission Criteria

Components Maximum Marks
12th Standard 10 (50% and above but less than 60%: 5 marks; 60% and above: 10 marks)
Graduation 25 (50% and above but less than 60%: 15 marks:60% and above: 25 marks)
Discussion on Executive Experience & Statement of Purpose 25
Extempore 15
Discussion on National and International Business Affairs 10
Personal Interview 15

FMS Delhi CAT Cutoff 2023

Courses 2023 Cutoff By Percentile 2022 Cutoff By Percentile 2021 Cutoff By Percentile
MBA 98 98 98

FMS University of Delhi Ph.D Admissions

The colle­ge only offers one doctoral program. The­ Faculty of Management Studies at the­ University of Delhi provides a Ph.D. in Manage­ment as their sole doctoral course­. The duration of the FMS Delhi Ph.D. program can e­xtend up to 6 years.

FMS University of Delhi Ph.D Seat Intake and Eligibility Criteria

Course Seat Intake Eligibility Criteria
Ph.D Management 20 Minimum 50% marks in master's degree.

FMS Delhi Criteria wise weightage for Ph.D Admissions

Criteria Weightage
Qualifying degree marks 20%
Undergraduate degree marks 10%
Entrance test/fellowship 20%
Statement of purpose and research proposal 20%
Interview 30%

FMS Delhi Entrance Exams 2024

Course Name Accepted Exams
Executive MBA No Entrance exam required. Admission is based on Candidate’s profile, PI and academics.
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