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iFEEL Lonavala Fees

The fee structure and payment process for iFEEL Pune are given below:

1. iFEEL Payment Process

Students can make the payment through a cheque or demand draft in favour of the ‘Institute for Future Education Entrepreneurship and Leadership’ or ‘iFEEL.’ iFEEL College also accepts multi-city cheques from nationalised banks or corporate banks. 

2. iFEEL PGDM Tuition and Hostel Fee Structure

Fee type Amount
Retention fee ₹60,000
Semester one ₹2,47,000 lakh
Semester two ₹2,40,000 lakh
Semester three ₹2,20,000 lakh
Semester four ₹1,20,000 lakh
Total fees ₹8,87,000 lakh

iFEEL Pune Scholarship

The institute provides merit scholarships to deserving candidates. The scholarship structure is given below:

Scholarship-deciding party iFEEL Director
Criteria Academic scores
Number of scholarships 35
Scholarship amounts ₹1,00,000 lakh

53 - IFEEL Fees

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iFEEL Lonavala Fees

The fee structure and payment process for iFEEL Pune are given below:

1. iFEEL Payment Process

Students can make the payment through a cheque or demand draft in favour of the ‘Institute for Future Education Entrepreneurship and Leadership’ or ‘iFEEL.’ iFEEL College also accepts multi-city cheques from nationalised banks or corporate banks. 

2. iFEEL PGDM Tuition and Hostel Fee Structure

Fee type Amount
Retention fee ₹60,000
Semester one ₹2,47,000 lakh
Semester two ₹2,40,000 lakh
Semester three ₹2,20,000 lakh
Semester four ₹1,20,000 lakh
Total fees ₹8,87,000 lakh

iFEEL Pune Scholarship

The institute provides merit scholarships to deserving candidates. The scholarship structure is given below:

Scholarship-deciding party iFEEL Director
Criteria Academic scores
Number of scholarships 35
Scholarship amounts ₹1,00,000 lakh


iFEEL Pune provides merit-based scholarships to deserving candidates. Students who are unable to meet the scholarship cut-off can choose other financial payment options such as Propelld’s simple digitised student-friendly loans.

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