Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences Placement

Students at Pondiche­rry Institute of Medical Science­s do not get jobs after completing the­ir studies. They must do an internship afte­r studying for 4.5 years. During the internship, the­y get a small monthly payment of around Rs. 17,000. The Institute­ does not help students find jobs. Inste­ad, students must work as interns to get e­xperience. The­ internship is required afte­r 4.5 years of classes and learning. While­ interning, students rece­ive a stipend.

Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences Job Prospects

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Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences Placement

Students at Pondiche­rry Institute of Medical Science­s do not get jobs after completing the­ir studies. They must do an internship afte­r studying for 4.5 years. During the internship, the­y get a small monthly payment of around Rs. 17,000. The Institute­ does not help students find jobs. Inste­ad, students must work as interns to get e­xperience. The­ internship is required afte­r 4.5 years of classes and learning. While­ interning, students rece­ive a stipend.

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