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Siddaganga Institute of Technology Placement

The placement and training section at SIT Tumkur works to upskill interested applicants and assist them in landing a good job at a reputable company. The Siddaganga Institute of Technology Tumkur placement cell offers a variety of training programs, including aptitude and analytical skills programs, advanced technical programs, feel employable programs, soft skill training programs, and communicative English programs.

SIT Tumkur Placement Highlights 2023

Particulars UG Placement Statistics PG Placement Statistics
Number of students graduating in minimum stipulated time 858 148
Number of students placed 836 145
Median salary package offered ₹8,00,000 ₹7,00,000
Number of students selected for higher studies 20 2

Siddaganga Institute of Technology Job Prospects

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Siddaganga Institute of Technology Placement

The placement and training section at SIT Tumkur works to upskill interested applicants and assist them in landing a good job at a reputable company. The Siddaganga Institute of Technology Tumkur placement cell offers a variety of training programs, including aptitude and analytical skills programs, advanced technical programs, feel employable programs, soft skill training programs, and communicative English programs.

SIT Tumkur Placement Highlights 2023

Particulars UG Placement Statistics PG Placement Statistics
Number of students graduating in minimum stipulated time 858 148
Number of students placed 836 145
Median salary package offered ₹8,00,000 ₹7,00,000
Number of students selected for higher studies 20 2
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