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The fees for BIBS College Kolkata are as follows:

Degree Course Fees
MBA + PGP in Business Management ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGP in Financial Management and Banking ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGP in Industry Integrated Business Management ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGP in Digital Marketing ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGP in Executive Management ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGPEX (Post Graduate Programme for Executives) ₹2,40,000

88 - BIBS Fees

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The fees for BIBS College Kolkata are as follows:

Degree Course Fees
MBA + PGP in Business Management ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGP in Financial Management and Banking ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGP in Industry Integrated Business Management ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGP in Digital Marketing ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGP in Executive Management ₹5,78,400
MBA + PGPEX (Post Graduate Programme for Executives) ₹2,40,000


Paying fees isn't always an easy task. Oftentimes, the amount to pay can be above what one can afford. The BIBS Kolkata fees aren’t as high as other colleges, but can still put a strain on the pocket. In such instances, it is best to apply for a loan to aid in fee payment. Different banks offer loans at varying interest rates based on the loan amount and period of repayment. It is best to look at banks individually to see which one can offer the best rate.

However, such processes can be cumbersome. People feel overwhelmed by the paperwork. There are other options available and there are private organisations such as Propelld offering 100% digitised loans to students.

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