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Job Prospects

There are many degrees a student can continue on to take after completing an MBA at BIBS Kolkata:

Degree at BIBS College Kolkata Future Degree
MBA-PGP Short Term- Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA),
Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA),
Certification in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM)
Long Term- PhD in Management, Doctor of Business Administration
MBA-PGPEX PhD in Management, Doctor of Business Administration

Career Options

There are many career paths that students can take after completing MBA degrees at BIBS College Kolkata:

Degree at BIBS Kolkata Future Career
MBA-PGP Marketing Manager, Product Manager, Business Analyst and Media Planner
MBA-PGPEX Credit Analyst, Financial Manager, Risk and Insurance Manager

89 - BIBS Job prospects

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Job Prospects

There are many degrees a student can continue on to take after completing an MBA at BIBS Kolkata:

Degree at BIBS College Kolkata Future Degree
MBA-PGP Short Term- Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA),
Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA),
Certification in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM)
Long Term- PhD in Management, Doctor of Business Administration
MBA-PGPEX PhD in Management, Doctor of Business Administration

Career Options

There are many career paths that students can take after completing MBA degrees at BIBS College Kolkata:

Degree at BIBS Kolkata Future Career
MBA-PGP Marketing Manager, Product Manager, Business Analyst and Media Planner
MBA-PGPEX Credit Analyst, Financial Manager, Risk and Insurance Manager


BIBS College Kolkata ensures that all students get the best placements possible. The college has a three-tier placement cell to ensure students are placed appropriately. The institute has a track record of more than 90% placements in the past few years. Some of the top recruiters are:

  1. Britannia
  2. Samsung
  3. Google
  4. Pidilite
  5. Pepsico

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