XAT 2025 Exam is scheduled to be conducted on the 5th of January 2025. The XAT Exam Result 2025 will be announced after the exam by the third week of January 2025. The exact date of the XAT Exam result is yet to be announced. Students will be able to check their XAT Exam Result by logging in to the official website with their login credentials.
The XAT exam result is one of the most anticipated test scores for MBA aspirants. After months of preparation, candidates eagerly await their XAT results to assess their performance and understand their standing in the competition.
XLRI Jamshedpur is set to announce the XAT 2025 result on January 31, 2025, through online. Candidates can access their XAT result 2025 by entering their XAT login details (User ID and date of birth) on the official website, xatonline.in. The XAT scorecard for 2025 will be available for download from January 31 to March 31, 2025.
How Do You Check the XAT Exam Result and Download the Score Card?

The XAT Exam result 2025 and the scorecard will be available for download exclusively on the official XAT website. To access the result and download the scorecard, candidates must log in to their XAT account.
Follow these steps to check the XAT 2025 result:
1. Visit the official XAT 2025 website: xatonline.in
2. Click on the 'Scorecard' tab
3. Enter your XAT ID and password
4. Enter the security code displayed on the screen
5. Click on the scorecard link and download the PDF version
Candidates should be aware that the XAT 2025 result download option will be available only until December 31, 2025. After this date, the scorecard will no longer be accessible for download. It is advised to download the scorecard promptly and save it in a secure location, such as a folder or email.
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XAT 2025: Important Dates
If you are wondering when the XAT results will be out and other such details, get the answers to your questions here:
If you are interested in exploring the detailed XAT Syllabus, check out this blog that talks about the XAT Syllabus Section Wise, Important Dates, Topics, and Weightage.
Key Details on XAT Score Card

Here’s a table based on the provided details for the XAT 2025 result and scorecard:
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XAT 2025 Marking Scheme
Here’s a regenerated table for the XAT 2025 Marking Scheme:
Excited to take the XAT exam and join your dream B-School? Check out XAT Exam Fees 2025, important dates, and how to apply.
How to Calculate XAT Score?
1. The XAT score is based on the total marks obtained across the three sections: Verbal Ability, Decision Making, and Quantitative Aptitude.
2. The General Knowledge (GK) score is not included in the XAT score or percentile calculation.
3. Candidates are ranked according to their total marks in the XAT exam.
4. To calculate the percentile, a candidate’s rank is divided by the total number of test takers and multiplied by 100.
What After XAT Exam Result: Admission Process 2025

Here are the steps to be followed after XAT Exam Result to secure admission into an MBA/ PGDM college:
1. XAT 2025 Cut-off Announcement
After the XAT Exam result is declared, XLRI will announce the cut-off percentile for admission to its Business Management (BM), Human Resource Management (HRM), and General Management Programme (GMP) courses.
2. Eligibility for Personal Interview (PI)
Candidates who meet the XAT 2025 cut-off will be eligible for the Personal Interview (PI) round.
Candidates must fill out a form on the institute's website to indicate their interest in the PI round.
3. PI Process and Communication
Shortlisted candidates will be informed about the PI schedule and process through email.
4. Final Selection Criteria
Final selection for admission will be based on the candidate’s performance in XAT 2025, PI, academic records, work experience, and other factors.
5. Work Experience Advantage
Candidates with significant executive or managerial-level work experience stand a better chance of being selected for XLRI’s MBA programs.
6. Differences in XAT Cut-offs
The XAT cut-offs for MBA BM and MBA HRM programs will differ.
The XAT cut-off will be lower for candidates from a non-engineering background compared to those from an engineering background.
7. Other MBA Colleges Accepting XAT Scores
Other MBA colleges accepting XAT scores will have their selection process.
These colleges will conduct PI, along with group discussion (GD) or written ability tests (WAT).
8. Application Process for Other Colleges
Candidates wishing to apply to colleges other than XLRI will need to apply individually to their preferred institutions.
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XAT Accepting Colleges
Check out XAT colleges with their cutoff, average fees, average placements, and location:
Explore the XAT accepting colleges and search for your preferred specialisation so that you can prepare for XAT accordingly! If you want more information on XAT cutoffs, check out the XAT Cutoffs based on previous year trends here.
Out of all of these colleges, XLRI Jamshedpur is the most reputed college students aim for through XAT. The next section talks about the previous year's XAT cutoff for XLRI.
XAT Exam Result: Cutoff for XLRI Admission
Let’s take a look at the XAT cut-off details for various XLRI programs (MBA BM, MBA HRM, PGDM BM, PGDM HRM) across multiple years, including category-wise cutoffs for different sections and overall XAT percentiles:
XAT Score vs Percentile
Now that you know everything about the XAT exam result, including the admission process, let’s look at the score you need to target to achieve the desired percentile and get an interview call from your preferred college:
Note: This estimation is based on previous year cutoffs and is expected to change based on a lot of factors such as difficulty of exam, number of test takers, etc.
Improve your XAT test percentile by giving multiple XAT Mock tests and refining your strategy for the D Day.
XAT Exam Result Accepting Colleges
Around 800 colleges in India accept the XAT Exam Result for B-School Admissions. The following list talks about the top 20 MBA Colleges that accept XAT Exam result:
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